Chapter 18: Abortion

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Caleb's POV:

"Caleb stop!!" Angel screams. We wrestled a bit in the bathroom.

"Angel what the fuck is in your hands?!" I yell. She had something blue in her hands and I hoped it wasn't what I thought it was.

"Caleb please stop!!" Angel cries. I heard running footsteps approaching us. Dad and Mom ran in and separated us.

"Caleb cad é an diabhal a cheapann tú atá á dhéanamh agat?! (Caleb what the hell do you think you're doing?!)" Dad asked.

I ignored him. "What's in your hands Angel?" I asked. Mom opened her hands and gasped.

"Angel you're pregnant?" She guesses. Angel nodded.

"Get rid of it." I say. Everyone looked at me.

"What?" Angel asks.

"Get rid of it Angel!" I yell. She ran out the room and downstairs. I ran after her. I caught up to her and tackled her on the living room couch.

"Caleb stop it!!" Angel yells. Kyle and Ramón ran in and tore me off of her.

"Caleb man what you doing?!" Kyle questions.

"She's pregnant!" I note.

"Oh wow. Well congratulations," Ramón says

"No. No congratulations. She's getting rid of it." I said. Angel began to cry.

"Why should I? I'm in charge of my own body. I can do whatever I want with it Caleb." She said. Skylar and Riley walked in.

"Yo what's all the yelling?" Skylar asks.

"Yeah. We can hear you boys down the driveway." Riley said.

Skylar wrapped her arm around her. "Angel is pregnant." Kyle said.

"Oh so we all are pregnant." Riley said. She quickly covered her mouth. We all froze.

"Wait Riley. You and Skylar are also pregnant?" Mom asked.

"Jesus Christ." Dad said.

"Caleb wants me to get rid of it." Angel cried. She ran out the door. Skylar and Riley ran after her.

"Wait. Sky is pregnant too?" Kyle asked.

"Hold the hell up. This is insane." Ramón said.

"It is. Caleb why do you want Angel to get rid of the baby?" Mom asked.

"I think that's a pretty obvious answer Mom. I don't want kids. Not with Loren, not with Angel, not with anyone." I said.

I ran out the door and looked around for Angel. Her scent was everywhere. I tried to follow it. It seemed that she took off flying. I flew off in her direction.

I looked around but didn't see her. I heard thunder. I looked up and rain began to fall. I immediately landed. It's extremely dangerous flying in rain.

I looked around for Angel but I didn't see a trace of her. "Fuck!!" I yelled. I turned around and headed back to the house.

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