Chapter 11: Try It

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Angel's POV:

I looked at all the shirts on the racks. Caleb and his Dad said that it was safe for us to be out in public, as long as we wear a disguise. I looked over at Riley as she tried on a dress.

I never figured her to be the girly type, since she doesn't act like it. I looked over at Skylar as she walked in some heels. She was the girliest of the group. I was in the middle.

There are times where I be girly. It never bothered me. I am part girly. But there are times where I am a tomboy. I sometimes love being a tomboy and wearing jeans or sweats and not giving a care.

I picked up some shirts and pants and took them to the dressing room. Caleb wanted us to buy more clothes to add to our wardrobe and help make our disguises more believable.

I looked at my body in all the clothes I picked out. They all looked nice. And expensive. Caleb wanted me to go shopping but I didn't want to spend his money. He said he didn't care and still wanted me to go shopping.

He even wanted me to buy some lingerie. I walked back out and accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh my God I'm so sor-" I paused when I saw who it was. I frowned at her.

She smiled. "Hey Angel." She said. I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want Loren?" I asked. She made a face.

"What? I can't see my old friend?" She asked.

I choked. "Friend? Bitch what?" I said, laughing. She stared at me like I was crazy. "Loren, dude you jumped me in middle school and once in high school. What makes you think we're old friends?" I said.

She chuckled. "Honestly Angel that was the old me." She said.

"And that's still the Loren I see til this day. I mean come on. Just three weeks ago, you started shit with me at my interview with Caleb. Plus you came by the house and kissed Caleb." I said.

She made a face. "Honestly Angel. I didn't know you and Caleb knew each other." She said.

"Well we do." I said.

"How do you know him by the way?" She asked, curiously.

"Since the interview." I said.

"Oh." She said. Then she looked down at the clothes I picked out. "Oh those would look so cute on you." She said, happily.

"Loren don't act so buddy buddy with me now. I know you're still mad because I was at Caleb's house and he kicked you out." I said. I seen her eye twitch.

"Yes that did piss me off but I'm over it." She said.

"I don't know. Because if I can recall, back when I was friends with you, you have a tendency to hold grudges." I said.

"Yeah well...I'm working on that. And besides..." she trailed off and move closer to me. She touched my locket. I watched her carefully. Then she trailed her fingers down to my chest. "There's something else I wanna work on." She continued.

I slowly moved her hand away. "Loren, whatever you're thinking, forget it." I said. She ignored me.

"That's a pretty locket." She said.

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