Chapter 17: Pregnant

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Angel's POV:
Two Months Later*

I looked over at Caleb as he drove the car. Caleb suddenly decided that we all should take a vacation. Calvin agreed that we all needed a trip away from the craziness that was back home.

So we all took a trip to Ireland. It was kind of funny that they wanted to return to their homeland. Apparently Calvin was known back here too. He had lots of friends. He said that half didn't know he was the leader of the Irish Mafia.

So we stayed in this nice hotel. Everyone was so friendly here. I looked at Caleb again. He was so focused on driving. I looked down at his shirt. He looks so cute in his blue flannel shirt.

I leaned over and began to rub his area. "Angel...What are you doing?" He asks.

"Nothing Daddy," I reply, playfully. I giggled as I unbuttoned his pants.

"Angel," Caleb warns. I smiled and took out his dick. I licked and sucked it while Caleb struggled to drive. "Mmm fuck Angel your mouth is so warm," He says.

I grinned. I kept giving him head while he kept braking. Then I stopped when he almost hit another car. He made me stop then. I sat up and pouted the ride back to the hotel.

Me and Caleb grew closer since that night we fucked. He told me about his meeting with Loren. And that's why we left on this vacation. We pulled up to the hotel and got out.

I immediately ran inside and to the pool area. I saw Hailey lying down on the pool benches. I laid down next to her. She looked at me. "Angel what's up? You look ready to burst." She said.

"Nothing. I'm fine. I just wanted to sit next to you." I said. Then Calvin came over and kissed her.

"Oh. I needed this." Hailey said.

"Yeah. It feels so good to be back home. Oh hey Earl!!" How's your Mom?" Calvin asks, as he walked off to greet a man. I watched them then looked around.

I saw Skylar and Riley sitting together by the ice cream stand. I walked over to them. "Hey guys. What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing. It feels great out here. I need to come back to Ireland again." Skylar said. Riley nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. This ice cream is amazing." She said.

"So where's Kyle and Ramón?" I asked.

"They wanted to wait til Caleb gets back." Skylar said.

"Yeah. The guards back home said that they saw Loren snooping around the old house." Riley said. I scoffed.

"It's in ruins thanks to Gustavo." I said.

"Exactly. I don't know what Loren is planning but she honestly needs to stop." Skylar said.

Riley suddenly sat up. "Riley, what's up?" I ask. She turned to the side and heaved. "Riley!" I cry. She then threw up. Everyone looked at us.

"Is she okay?" Ramón asked, rushing over to us.

"She was eating ice cream and then she threw up." Skylar said. Riley threw up some more.

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