Chapter 21: Hurt

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Angel's POV:

As we sat in the waiting room at the abortion clinic, tears streamed down my face. I was so pissed off at Caleb. I have never more pissed off about anything ever in my life.

Caleb wouldn't even hear me out. He didn't even let me talk on the way over here. Every time I did, he held a gun to my head. He was pissed off as well.

I wouldn't sit still in the car. My brother and sister couldn't come with me. If they did, Calvin held a gun to their heads. I shook my head and crossed my arms. I shook my knee anxiously.

I suddenly felt sick. I glanced over at Caleb. He had a stone look on his face. I stood up but he pulled me back down. "I'm about to throw up." I said, as I snatched my arm away.

I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I hate you Caleb. After I was done, I wiped my mouth and walked back out. Caleb was standing outside waiting for me. He sat me down and put his arm around me.

Oh he lost his mind. I leaned forward and sat that way til my name was called. We walked in and I immediately got a cold chill. I looked around at all the silver equipment.

"Hello. You look frightened." The lady observes. I nodded.

"I am." I said. She noticed all my tears and looked at Caleb. He didn't say anything.

"Dear, do you want to do this?" She asked. I could feel Caleb's piercing glare in the back of my head. I looked past the woman and saw a mirror.

Caleb nodded his head slowly.

"Yes." I said. She sat me down.

"Now I know this is scary but—" Caleb cut her off.

"Well we do want to know the condition of our baby." He said. She looked at him.

"Sir you do realize this is an abortion clinic and not a hospital?" She asked.

"What's the difference? You're both checking up on a baby." Caleb said. She glared at him.

"Yes we do check up on babies but we also kill them." She said.

"Well that's not what we're here for." Caleb said, harshly. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out. We walked out into the front room and out the door.

He looked at me. I was honestly dumbfounded. He pulled me off towards the side of the building. "Caleb—" He cut me off by kissing me.

"Angel listen to me and you listen good." He demanded. I could feel myself get wet. Oh come on. This is not the time to be horny.

"Don't yell—" He cut me off again.

"Angel I've done a lot of thinking these past few days. You running out on me and hiding from me. Look, I know I fucked up. But I do wanna have a future with you. And if a baby means you get to stay in my life, then so be it." He said.

"So why you bring me to this clinic if I wasn't gonna lose our baby?" I asked.

"Because I wanted to get back at you for making me do a bunch of crazy shit." He said. I pushed him into some bushes and walked away.

He wrapped his arm around my waist. "Caleb get off of me!! I'm so mad at you right now." I cried. We got in the car and went home. Everyone else was already there. "I'm so mad at you Caleb I don't know what to do with myself." I said.

"I can help with that." He said. I moved away from him.

"No Caleb!! I am beyond pissed right now. I'm fucking livid and you wanna fuck me right now?! No." I said.

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