Chapter 8: Live Here

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Caleb's POV:

I watched as doctors patched up Kyle and my Dad. We got into a bit of a shootout with the Russian Mafia. We saw the leader's wife, Wanda, at the same time she saw us.

Gunshots were immediately fired. She shot Kyle as he got closer. He got shot in his chest. I never been more afraid for one of my best friends before.

The doctor said that she shot him too close to his heart. But he was gonna pull through. He just needed to relax a bit. Then Gustavo came out of nowhere and shot my Dad in his arm.

The doctor said he too was fine but he needed to rest. "Anything I can do Don?" Peter asked.

"Nah. Thanks Peter." Dad said. My family was lucky to have Peter on our side. He's been with us since day one. We didn't mind the fact that he was gay.

My Dad was just worried he might try to sleep with some of the guards. Peter told us not to worry, as he already had a husband. They were supposed to leave couple weeks ago but my Dad had them stay because Wanda was firing people left and right.

Because she was doing this, we had no idea what she could be planning with all the firing she was doing. So Peter and his husband had to stay here for the time being.

It sucks to know that you couldn't leave for a vacation with your significant other. Peter didn't mind but his husband certainly did. Peter tried to explain but he didn't wanna listen.

I mean he understood but he didn't like it. Plus, Wanda knows Peter but I don't think she knows Peter is one of us. Since he was our man on the inside and now that Wanda fired him, we had no intel on what Wanda or the Russian Mafia was up to.

We did have someone else there but Wanda fired her. We had her pretend to have Down Syndrome. We didn't think Wanda was heartless enough to fire her but we were wrong.

We thought Wanda figured out who we had as intel in her company but since she didn't kill the girl neither Peter, we quickly dismissed that thought. But I guess Wanda now knows Peter is one of us since she saw Peter shooting at her.

Me, Mom, and Ramón were lucky enough to escape unharmed. The only reason we bailed out is because we heard police sirens. We quickly got in our cars and drove away.

"There ya go. All fixed." The nurse said. Dad put his shirt back on.

"Thank you." He said.

"I can't believe it. Wanda stepped up security since the last time we saw her." Mom said.

"Yeah. Mom, you shot a freaking RPG at her. I'm surprised the rocket didn't explode." I said.

"That's because it didn't have enough gun powder inside." Dad said.

"That was my fault. My Mom made me do extra chores because I came home late and I was so tired-" Dad cut Kyle off.

"It's fine Kyle. I'm still proud of you. That was good aim." He said.

"Well my Dad was always into hunting." Kyle said.

"So what? We step up security too?" Ramón asked.

"Yeah. They weren't playing games tonight." I said.

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