Chapter 24: Taken

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Caleb's POV:

I sketched my Mom as she cooked dinner. "Oh my God. Where is Peter and Angel with the rest of those weapons? They left two hours ago." Dad said, as he paced back and forth.

"Maybe Angel got sick along the way. She has been throwing up all night." Skylar said.

"Whoa." Riley said. We all looked at her.

"What is it Riley?" Ramón asked.

"There was a terrible car accident earlier. Look the damage to this car." Riley said.

She turned her phone around so we could see. We all groaned as we saw the car. "That car is totaled. Ain't no salvaging that." Kyle said.

"That car is all twisted up. No way the passengers survived that." I said.

"Dang. That's terrible." Skylar said. Suddenly, the front door flew open. Guards walked in with a bloody guard.

"Rico? What happened to you?" Dad asked.

"He has her." Rico said, weakly.

"Who has who?" Mom asked.

He coughed up blood. "Gustavo has Angel." He said. We all gasped.

"What?!" I cried.

"His men crashed into us. The car was twisted up. They took Peter and Angel. They....they took us to the Russian Mafia's mansion. Gustavo killed Peter and Angel's brother and sister." He continued.

"Andre and Nya are dead?!" Skylar cried. Rico nodded.

"Gustavo took Angel to a dungeon." Rico continued.

"Let's get him patched up." Dad said.

We all went downstairs to the basement. Doctors and nurses worked to get Rico fixed up.

"Rico what else happened?" I asked.

"Yes. We need to know. Where is Angel?" Dad asked. Rico coughed and shook his head.

"No no no. Gustavo plans on using Angel as bait to lure you or Caleb out. He's gonna kill Caleb if he comes to get her. He said that he was gonna leave town with Angel," He says.

"Come on Rico," Dad cries. Rico continued to speak.

"I tried to help her but they shot me. And the car accident didn't help. Gustavo is not gonna stop til Caleb is dead." He said.

"Good job Rico. Rest up." Dad said. I paced back and forth then smirked.

"Dad. I have an idea." I said. He looked at me.

"I like that smirk of yours. What is it?" Dad asked.

"We do go Angel but we use someone else as bait. Gustavo is not dumb. He won't fall for just anyone. We need to use someone he knows we know. We set that person up," I say.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Gustavo won't be able to resist to kill that person. He won't do it himself but he will kill them." I said.

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