Chapter 29: Safe

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Angel's POV:

I looked in the mirror. My eyes changed colors. They were now green. No....NO IT CAN'T BE TIME YET!! I grunted in pain as the baby struggled to get out.

I fell to the ground. Caleb? Caleb where are you? I crawled over to a door and saw stairs. "Angel!!" Loren yelled. I stood up and ran down the stairs. She ran after me. I turned around and threw a chair at her.

It sent her flying back. I ran inside Calvin's den. I locked myself in and moved everything to block the door. Loren pounded on the door, trying to move everything out from in front of the door.

I breathed heavily as I looked around for something useful. I grunted and screamed as the baby kicked to get out. I held my stomach.

"I'm gonna get you out. Just hold on a little longer." I said. I looked around and saw a window. I opened the window and climbed out. I looked around and saw guards all fighting for their lives.

I knew I couldn't have them protect me when they have themselves to protect. I heard Loren finally break through the door. I took off running. I didn't know where I was going.

I just ran away. I ran to the only place I knew I could hide. I spread my wings and flew away. I flew far and fast to my old apartment. I landed and tried to get inside. It was locked. I kicked it in and ran inside.

I looked around. Everything was still the way it was last I saw. I ran to the bathroom and shut the door. I looked in the mirror. My eyes were still green and the glowed bright and brighter.

The baby kept kicking and kicking. I quickly took off my pants and placed my hands down so I could catch my baby girl. I pushed with everything in me. I heard my phone ring.

I tried so desperately to ignore it but the pain, the ringing, it was all too much. I answered it. "Angel?" Caleb said.

"Caleb it's time baby. She's almost here." I panted.

"Where are you?" He asked.

"My old apartment. Hurry Caleb!! She's almost here!!" I cried. Then I hung up. I screamed as the baby kicked. Soon, I heard the door open. I heard running footsteps then Caleb burst through the door.

He ran over to me. "Caleb I cant hold her in any longer." I cried.

"I'm here now." He said. I looked behind him.

"Where's Kyle and Ramón?" I asked.

"They're too busy trying to help Skylar and Riley give birth." He said. He took off his jacket. "Okay Angel relax baby." He said. Relax? Relax?!

My temper flared up. "It's hard to do that when a baby is ready to crawl out of your vagina!!" I yell. I pushed and pushed for what felt like hours. I heard gunshots outside.

I covered my ears. "Angel focus." Caleb said. He grabbed my hand and I squeezed as I pushed. The gunshots grew closer and closer til they sounded like they were in the house. Caleb yelled in Irish.

I gave one final push til finally my baby came out. I relaxed my body as I felt a sudden burst of power in me. My body let loose a bright flash of light.

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