Chapter 3: Interview

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Angel's POV:

I woke up to the sun beaming in my face. I covered my face and rolled over. Then my alarm went off. I sighed. I sat up and rubbed my face. I opened my eyes and saw that I had text messages from someone.

I looked at it. There were text messages from Skylar and Riley. There was also one from Peter. He asked me what my power is now that I've upgraded my wings.

I honestly didn't know yet. Once you get your Evaluation, you also get a special power. But like the wings, it comes after twenty four hours after upgrading your wings.

Your body and wings needed time to heal. I stood up and stretched. I walked to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked at my wings.

I made them flap themselves. I smiled and took a shower. I let the water wash over me. My wings fluttered as the water soothed them. I flew to my room and got dressed. I walked out the door and to my car. I got in.

I would just fly to work but Wanda gives me a lot of paperwork to do and I can't carry all of it. I drove off to my job and parked. I looked up at the building and sighed.

Another day at this hellhole. I got out and ran inside. I saw the receptionist. It was a white girl. She looked up at me and smiled. "Oh hello." She said.

"Hi? Uh where's Rasheeda? She was here-" she cut me off.

"She got fired yesterday," She notes. I gasped.

"Are you serious?" I ask. She nodded.

"Yep. But good thing too. I needed this job. I have bills to pay," She says, happily. So did Rasheeda. I headed for the elevator. I pressed for the tenth floor. When elevator doors opened, I walked out and immediately seen Peter.

He didn't look so well. I ran up to him. "Peter what's up? I just heard Rasheeda got fired yesterday?" I note. He nodded. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"Wanda just fired me too." He said, sadly. My heart sank.

"Oh my God what? No way," I respond. He nods.

"Yep. Wanda has been firing people left and right," He notes.

"She must be in one of her moods," I say.

"No. She's never in this kind of mood unless someone fucked up real bad." He says. Then we heard footsteps approaching.

"I thought you'd be gone by now?" Wanda says, glaring at Peter.

"Bitch I'm going!!" Peter yells.

She was surprised at him. "Bitch?" She repeats.

"Bitch." Peter says, sternly.

"Get the fuck out of my building," Wanda growls, lowly.

LIt's not yours. It's your husband's," Peter notes.

"I own it," She says.

"No actually HE owns it. It's in his name. I know from all of the FUCKING PAPERWORK AND EMAILS YOU HAD ME DO!!" Peter shouts. People looked at us.

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