Chapter 27: Take It Easy

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Angel's POV:

As I packed up my stuff, I felt Caleb's eyes on me. He wanted me to take it easy til I give birth. So we're going to Norway to relax and spend time together.

Plus, this was our honeymoon. I squealed as I packed up my last suitcase. "I'm so jealous you're leaving for Norway. I wish I could come with." Skylar said.

"Me too. It's gonna be less fun without Angel here. I won't have nobody to help me pick on Skylar." Riley said.

I laughed and hugged them. "Don't worry. We're going to be back soon." I said.

"Yeah with your soon to be husband." Riley says. I blushed and giggled. Ramón walked past the door laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Soon to be husband." He said.

"What?" Skylar asked.

"Oh Caleb didn't tell you?" He asked.

"Tell me what?" I asked, curiously.

"He and Loren used to be engaged. They almost got married," He said. I gasped.

"What?" Riley said.

"Yeah. He and Loren used to be in engaged. They were at the altar in Ireland. But Caleb called it off though. They thought they were in love with but Caleb wanted to live the hoe life." He said.

The hoe life huh? "Angel?" Calvin called.

"I'm coming!" I called. He appeared in the doorway.

"Let me get those. You go on to get car and rest." He said. I walked downstairs and out the door. I gave Skylar and Riley hugs goodbye.

I sat in the back seat with Caleb. He was listening to music. I stared at him as we headed to the airport. The hoe life? He was engaged to Loren? Then called it off at the altar? No fucking way.

We pulled up to the airport and got out. We walked inside and waited for our plane. I was so wrapped up in my head that I didn't hear Caleb calling me. "Angel?!" He yelled.

"Huh? Oh sorry." I said.

"You okay?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. Just fine," I reply. We walked to our boarding gates. We boarded the plane and sat down in first class.

A flight attendant cane up to me. "Champagne ma'am?" He asked.

"Dude, she's pregnant." Caleb said. I held his hand.

"No thank you. I'll have some juice instead." I said. He nodded and walked away. I looked at Caleb. "That was mean." I said.

He shrugged. Shortly after the plane took off, I gripped the side of my seat. Caleb looked at me. "Angel you okay?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I feel like my throw up is building up inside my body." I said. He called over a flight attendant. She gave me a doggy bag. I threw up half of the flight.

When we landed, I was so thankful to be back on the ground. I looked around as Caleb tool us to a hotel. We checked in and settled in our room.

I squealed as I ran to the balcony. "Caleb this is amazing!!" I said, squealing. I looked at him. "Yeah I noticed you're a bit excited." He says, as he covered his ears.

"Fuck you." I said. I quickly changed clothes and then went down to the pool area. I looked out at the beautiful waters. "Oh! I should get some pictures for the girls." I said.

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