33- Please

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"Thank god we have a long weekend," Calum yawned. His hair was so ruffled that it could only be described with the word: bedhead. 

"That extra day will be full of me sleeping," Hailey replied as she curled up closer to Ashton on the couch.

With the three day weekend in mind, they decided a movie night would be a good use of their time.

It really was not.

The red numbers glared in the darkness of the room, showing that it was already 11:30 pm. Somehow they had managed to spend all that time fooling around in the basement with instruments, along with eating and fighting.

Lots of fighting- most between Hailey and everyone else.

Evelyn took the remote in her hand and turned the large screen in front of her on, aimlessly surfing through movies available.

"We should watch Vampire Diaries!"

Evelyn glared at Kate, who put his hands up in surrender, "Alright alright, no vampire diaries."

Michael spoke up, suggesting some unknown non-fiction, science show to them as they stared at him with disbelief.

Their unprompted gazes tore him away from the TV, the silence thick with annoyance.

This is why nobody lets Michael pick.

"Whatever, just pick so we can get started."

Luke was seated on a Lazy boy chair a ways away from Evelyn. Though she wished he could be closer, they knew it was bette to keep distance. She was sat next to Calum and Michael, with Hailey on Ashton's lap.

Kate sat on the floor near them, "Can I not be close to the couple please."

Luke tensed at the word couple, his fingers gripping the sofa as Evelyn glanced to him. They hadn't told anyone about anything between them, and every little thing made them jump.

Evelyn shifted in her seat once more, though Kate really was only referring to Hailey and Ashton.

"Deal with it," Hailey glared, effectively shutting up Kate.

"What about Marvel movies?" Luke suggested, returning to the actually important topic at hand.

Evelyn wanted to jump up and kiss him. Marvel! Her hazel eyes connected to his blue ones. His eyes held more behind them than could be seen, the blue darkening as he held the eye contact.

The silence between them could easily be mistaken as anger. Yet, Calum didn't think so. His eyes flirted between the two in confusion, before gently nudging Evelyn with slight skepticism showing in his face.

Calum cleared his throat, "I'm fine with Marvel. Are you, Eve?"

She snapped her head away from Luke, turning to nod at the tan boy with an innocent look. He smiled at her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and turning to the TV.

Evelyn froze under the touch, peering over to the blond boy. Luke's jaw was set tight with a hard gaze in his eyes. He was staring at Calum's hand, just wishing to break it for him.

Evelyn mouthed over to him, breathe.

Luke turned back to the TV, a surge of anger filling him as he tried to calm down.

Why am I getting jealous? It's not her fault; she can't move away without drawing suspicion.


They decided on watching a few Avenger's movies, hopefully getting a chance to stay up late together.


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