Chapter 1~Stefan Salvatore

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Brittany had just lossened the strap on her side bag and then left through the door. She walked with her long blonde hair swaying. She was now back in mystic falls after 120 years. She had decided to go back after her travels around the world she had many adventures and things she'd rather leave in the pass she sighed and carried on walking towards her destination mystic falls high school.

School had never realy touched her mind since recently she needed to calm down and live a normal life for awhile well sort of. Brittany was a vampire there was nothing normal about that. She had been turned in 1867 by stefan salvatore the thought of him made her shiver his eyes going pitch black and then he snapping her neck it still scared her. Everyone had there demons he was hers. She had found out he had got the ring for him to walk in sunlight as he had left a note. It still confused her why he turned her but she had no answers.

She walked into the school yard and to the reception and signed herself in with the lady there she gave her a piece off paper with all her classes and she went to her first. Maths was boring she sat there doodling on her hands as the teacher droned on the girl next to her in her next lesson biology was kind sshe had very dark brown hair and green eyes she was very nice and cheerful she invited Brittany to accompany her to lunch with her and her freinds. And when lunch came she did.

Brittany met, Elena, Caroline, matt and Tyler and lunch they had a nice conversation she had started to feel welcomed. Then Caroline said "Hey Elena Where's your boyfriend at" she giggled putting her hand on her hip. Elena sighed and rolled her eyes "he had to go out but hell be back for the last lesson hey Brittany what do you have that lesson? " she questioned. "Oh history, also you can call me britt if you want" Tyler then said "Ahh we all have that" she smiled then lunch ended. I went and did literature with Caroline. Then they went to the class toghther Britt sat between mat and Tyler in the spare space at the back. She found out the teacher was  Mr saltzman. 10 minutes in someone came in "Ahh Mr salvotore so happy you could join us" he chuckled.

Brittany saw the figures face and had to stuffle her scream. Stefan salvatore her arm shot up. "Yes brittany" he said. She asked if she could go home because she wasn't feeling welland he let her. Well that was true she realy wasn't at the sight of stefan. There eyes met and stefan nearly gasped. He had realised it too. She started to run over the road and towards her house she arrived and nearly screamed.

She thought to pack her things and leave but no. She had to face her fear. She needed the answers.

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