Chapter 35~Vampire Britt/Ending

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Stefan had just fed britt his blood and she nodded. He closed his eyes tight and snapped her neck. The crack alarmed Ellie who came in. "What was that sound" she said. Stefan sighed "Britt told me to turn her so I have". Ellie gasped. Then stefan realised Ellies old ring. He remembered it had been on top of her draw at the salvatore house. She said goodbye to Ellie and brought Britt to the car.

Finally they arrived back stefan brought her upstairs ignoring his brother placed her in his bed then went to her room, he got the ring from there then went and put it on her finger.

He went downstairs to damon "You've been gone for a day what happened " he asked confused. "It's a really long story damon, but britt saved someone's life but that meant she lost hers" he said sorrowful. "What, is she.. Or is she..." he didn't say the words but stefan knew them. "She told me to turn her so I did she's going to be a vampire again." damon stayed quiet. Then stefan heard a low hiss "She's awake". He rushed downstairs to the basement and got a bag of blood brought it up and found Britt in the corner of the room the feeling of sun at first was weird even with a ring.

10 minutes later, transition had been completed. She smiled a bit at stefan then hugged him. At least he had stefan, he was one of his main reason she choose this life again.

Later that day after everyone had found out the news. Damon had gone out to the grill. This was stefans chance. He couldn't fear being to strong for her. He found her laying on the sofa looking at the ceiling he came over and kissed her lips. She smiled and kissed him back. Then suddenly he rushed her over to the wall, her back made contact but she felt no pain. He kissed her neck and she giggled. This was so amazing.

It felt like only secounds later they were on stefans bed and he was ripping of her shirt still kissing her. Now let's say this was a night to remember and it was.

20 years later:

The sky was bright blue Caroline and Bonnie wiped a tears from their faces as Britt walked up the aisle wearing a beautiful white dress. She looked and saw stefan smiling at her. Finally, the I do's came and then they kissed. Suddenly, stefan was holding Britt in his arms. "I told you I liked you here in my arms" he said. And she smiled at him "I like it here in your arms too".

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