Chapter 6~witch

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"4 hours already you sure she's not dead" said damon through the phone. Stefan knew it was a joke but it still scared him. He had been paving the room on the call when she saw. Brittany eyes flutter open. "Hey Im gonna have to call you back" stefan said into the phone and hung up before damon could even say a word. Stefan stared open-mouthed at Brittany.

Brittanys hand slipped to her chest budm budm budm. She took a big breathe of air. It felt like her first real breathe in centuries. She broke down into tears of happiness. She was alive. She was realy alive. She looked at stefan who had sat in the chair next to her and hugged him. She was still scared of him. But she had to get over it he had free'd her from the prison he put her in. She let go of him at this thought. He smiled gently. She smiled back a little.

It was 8pm they talked for an hour britt still a bit scared but overjoyed that she's was back to herself. Stefan left for his house at nine pm. Leaving britt alone. She feeled a bit achey so. She lay down and slept.

The next morning britt woke up and stood up lazyley and stretched she then looked at her hand there lay the ring it was beautiful but she hated it. The fact she was given it to help her monstrous form irrated her. She took it of but instead of selling it or putting it into the bin she left it on top of her drawer. She got dressed. She could get alot colder now and as winter was nearing she put on a jumper. She left through the door and the cold breeze hit her also with a Ray of sunlight she walked towards school feeling like a free bird.

She arrived at the grounds and saw bonnie and Caroline there waiting for her. She walked over and hugged Caroline she was happy for her and then bonnie this was where things got weird as there skin made contacted. Bonnie got a flip book of key things. A girl who looked just like britt but ten years younger and with brown hair, she also saw a horrible image of stefans face and then a weird light a cell and then the cure that was it. But at the same time britt saw a quick flip book of two smiling people looking down at something that must of been a younger bonnie, a young elena and Caroline, all her freinds when they were this age and a bear. They both looked at each other then bonnie said "Did you also see something". Britt nodded. Caroline stood there confused of what was happening then britt turned to her amazed happy and hopefully she looked and Caroline then bonnie then Caroline again and the said with a happy tone in her voice "I think I'm a witch again. "

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