Chapter 22~"Even If It Is One Last Time"

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Night had fallen, Britt was now asleep after today's events. But stefan was still awake gazing into the fire when it hit him what he head to do. He sighed and picked up his phone dialled the number and had a heart-breaking conversation. After he hung up the phone and started walking upstairs he told damon what they were doing and he too agreed it was the right thing to do.

Britt awake. A Ray on sunshine hit across her face she yawned and sat up as her eyes focused she realised she wasn't in her bed it was a unfamiliar one before she could get anymore shocked Ellie walked in. She smiled a little at Britt and said "I guess your wondering what the hell happened".

A bit later britt sat shocked "What about my option look I might of been getting hurt alot but you guys could of at least asked me not drugged me in the night baciacly kidnap me and now I'm meant to live out my days in this costal place, the hell, no I'm going strait back to mystic falls and kicking stefans dumb ass". Before britt could walk through the door Ellie apeard infront of it "Britt,he told me to tell you he dosent want to see you ever again he said your better without him" she sighed. Britt sat down on the bed and sobbed.

3 weeks had past 6 escapes had been tryed by Britt each failed. She had given up complete now she acted normal but still every day she left voicemails that were left un-answered to stefan. She picked up her phone called him but with no answer she began making a voicemail "Hey its britt, it's been 3 weeks now Ellie out at the shops, Stefan you said you didn't want to see me again but I need to see you please. " she hung up the phone.

2 weeks had passed since then and Britt had become on edge she picked up the phone and left a voicemail to stefan which Ellie couldn't here while she was in the shower, britt said. "Ive thought of a way to see you if you listen to these, i will see you again stefan very soon even if it's the last thing I see OK. Well goodbye. "she hung up the phone and left it on her desk."We've run out of milk El just gonna get some by the store in town ok". "See you later " Ellie called. Britt left without money.

Britt was not going to the shops, she was going to the cliffs. Hopefully stefan got her message if not she would of never seen him again.

Ellie had just finished getting dress when her phone buzzed she picked it up it was stefan "Ellie is britt there" he asked worriedly inside his car. "No she just went to town to get something why. " she asked curiously. "She left me a message she said she's found a way to see me even if it's one last time I think she going to try to-". "I'm going to find her stefan, she's, she's not dying on my watch. " Ellie said hanging up and running out the house.

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