Chapter 32~Drunk Damon

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Stefan felt himself shatter the blood was all over britt and a massive shard of the vase was still in her. He rushed to her pushing damon out the way. The smell of the blood tempted him but he would not give in he quickly fed her some of his blood and pulled the shard out of her the wound began to heal.

Brittany was in so much pain during this she was finding it hard to just stay conscious. But when she had seen stefan she had felt happy and relieved she knew she was safe.

Stefan picked Britt up and stared at Damon "I don't know how this happened damon but some how it's your fault what has happened to you where is my brother" stefan looked at him. "I'm sorry stefan, I just.. " he said. Stefan was still standing there "Are you gonna do it again." stefan said. Damon shook his head "I'm not brother trust me". Stefan turned on the spot and left holding Britt.

Britt hugged close to stefan as he walked it was around 1 am at this point. She shivered it was cold. Stefan rubbed her arms with goosebumps. She smiled up at him. "I wonder how many times I've been in your arms" she laughed and he did to "Many times and I like it when you are" he said. She smiled.

They got back to the house and Stefan brought Britt to his room the furtherest from damon's. They cuddled and then soon Britt was asleep then stefan was.

Damon had gone back home and had been for 6 hours straight been drinking bourbon after bourbon he felt so horrible it angered him.

Britt had awoken. She saw stefan asleep and smiled, he needed a rest. She got out of his bed and went to her room she got out of her blood stained jeans and changed her t-shirt. She walked downstairs then saw damon. "Mornzing  sunzshine, sorsy bout yesterdae" he said drunkly. "It's fine damon" she said as she started walking over to the washer to put her bloody jeans in. She put it in and turned, seeing damon. "Is it realzy" he said. She nodded and he grinned cheekily. "You should go to bed" she said then damon said "You should take your clothes" he said. Brittany sighed. "Your drunk damon, go to bed". "I wasn't kidding" he said. He smiled at her and drunkly walked upstairs. Wants again she sighed, loving stefan meaned she had to tolerate with this.

She started making breakfast some toast. Stefan came down and saw her he smiled came over to her and kissed her cheek. She smiled and asked if he wanted some toast he agreed so they stood, talked and ate.

Later on Ellie came looking happy, "Britt, kol he found me he just came to see me and he told me he loved me I don't know what to do the think is I love him too". "If you want to go be with him" britt said. And Ellie hugged her givening the reply.

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