Chapter 15~My Sisters Alive?

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The rest of the day Britt used all she could to decode the message but all she could get out is father, kol and your. She sighed and then stefan came in.  "Hey what you doing? " He asked curiosily. She looked up at him and smiled "I found something written on a piece of paper in my grimoure it's in ancient runes but I can't understand it that much". Stefan smiled at this knowing he could be useful "I know I was taught by one of my father friends". He walked over to the bed sat on it and then looked at it he quickly scribbled down what it said on a piece of paper then shocked handed it to Britt. It read:

Brittany Olivia Claire you will find this by the time I'm dead and you've figured out Ancient runes well I should of told you this but I hated it the thing is when you were 4 a vampire called kol mikealson stole your sister your father. I don't know if shes a vampire or even alive for a fact so every time you tried to locate her I blocked the spell I'm sorry but it's time you meet her find her.   

                                                - Mom

Brittany blinked and read it again. How could of she done this and this kol mikealson who. Wait no mikealson-kol the kol mikealson she had met a few times while freinds with rebekah another original. She looked at stefan he had recognised the name too. "Well that's-that is intrest-ting" she spluttered. Stefan wrapped his around britts shoulder and said "After we deal with this problem we'll see, we will see if your sisters alive. " Britt looked at him nodded then hugged him and whispered into his ear "Thank you stefan for everything."

Then she thrusted a stake she'd been keeping near her near his heart. She let him go. Brittany packed up a bag with weapons and here grimoure and maps and said "I'm sorry stefan but I need to know now I only care about her safety not mine when you can, go home" she sighed and with one last glance and stefan she walked out.

Brittany took out a map of nearby places she was in the room of a motel she had stolen stefans car. She used a locater spell and a old bracelet that was her sister when she was younger and it brighten her up when it worked she must be a vampire britt thought. Shewas said to be in a house in new Orleans near Jackson Square. Noing this could get her killed if the originals were in new Orleans still she would surely be dead on arrival but for her sister she would die just for a glance. Her sister would be like a stranger to her but she has always had a feeling of love to her she had only faint memories of her but she cherished them. She got back into the car half an hour later and starter her day drive to new orleans

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