Chapter 8~compelling

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Caroline had just cleaned the blood off Britts face. Her neck had started to bruise a bit. What had happened? Britts eyes the open and she spotted Caroline. "Caroline " she croaked with her throught hurting. Caroline spun round to face britt and rushed. "Oh my god Brittany are you ok what happened" she said. Brittany tried to tell her but all came out was a croak she clichéd her throught with pain. "Ohh, wait I know-" she pulled open a drawer and took out a pen and pad and gave it to Britt. She took it and started scribbling down the events of what happened while Caroline looked over her shoulder it's suprise britt ended off with the person's name.

Britt handed Caroline back the pad then she croaked sorely. "Caroline I'm go-nna be fine you can just go home ill just get some rest". Caroline looked at her unconvinced but Britt nodded Caroline sighed waved and then left with the peice of paper in her hand.

When she got in the car she messaged stefan, Damon, elena and bonnie to meet at the grill in 10 so she could tell them what happened.

"I don't think we should leave her there alone what if that Rebekah girl comes back" said bonnie but damon shook his head "She came for the cure and she took it out of Brittany she's no use to her now she'll be well gone."  Stefan sighed and they all looked at him. "What" elena said confused he spoke up and said "This is only one day of her being human and she already got hurt. The cure is fully gone from her now so we just hope no one comes to track her down to see if she still has the cure in her. " they all sipped there drinks Unsure of what to say then Caroline said"I don't think she's human I think she's a witch again". Bonnie explained that they had tried to it and failed so they thought that bonnie had just accidently planted that in her mind then Caroline spoke up again and said "She's had about 100 years without magic of course she's a bit rusty, she'll be a witch again I can feel it" they all talked but as midnight was closening the grill was going to close soon so they all left to go home.

Britt was still in bed awake thinking about the events that had occurred. The girl seemed famialir. Rebekah mikealson. Rebekah, Rebekah wait Bekah the memories had just flooded back. Bekah and her hand been freinds in there vampire time and then Rebekah compelled her to forget there Freindship and left she was an original but why was this coming back. Wait she must of taken the cure the compellenment had stopped when she'd turned her human. Britt racked her brain to anyone she had compelled who may be a risk for her now that the compellment was broken but none everyone she had compelled she soon killed afterwards this made her shiver.

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