Chapter 24~school Time

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Damon sat on the sofa confused his brother had been missing for 5 hours then he heard a car pull up. He went to the dorr opened it saw stefan then said "It's 11pm what happened you just rushed out the door like, ohh" he had just notice stefan carrying Britt both of them slightly damp.

Stefan carried Britt upstairs to her bed,tucked her in and left. He went downstairs and then told Damon what had happened then the door opened Ellie came in with a box. "Where is she? " she asked. "Asleep" stefan said quietly. "Ohh well here's her stuff" she said placing down the box in he hands. "Call me if anything is needed OK great to see you, you too damon" she said and left.

Britt woke up early the next morning she looked at her watch it was 7am she got dressed and got her bag ready. She went downstairs and saw damon who looked at her curiosly "Wear you going" he asked. "School, I'm still down as a student they kick me out soon anoth if I don't turn up". She turned to leave then found damon in front of here "Stefans asleep but if I let you go by yourself he'd kill me I'm driving you".

10 minutes later they arrived Britt thanks Ed damon and he left. She turned and started walking into the school.

Bonnie and Caroline were walking to history when bonnie startled said "britt-". Caroline sighed "Bonnie I told you not to mention her, it pains me they just drove her off but-" then she saw her britt looking clueless to where the classroom was.

Brittany suddenly found herself evolved into a hug then another joined the hug. She finally had time to breathe and saw bonnie and Caroline overjoyed. On the way to class she told them everything but most of all they were just happy she was back.

Stefan woke at 11am tired. he went over to Britt room to see if she was there she wasn't. He went downstairs and found no britt but damon who explained it. "Damon she nearly died yesterday and you let her go" stefan said. "Well technically I didn't let her go, I helped her go brother you should go to school today also see your girl" he winked. Stefan sighed but got his bag and went to school.

Britt had just started talking with matt and Tyler while bonnie and Caroline grabbed lunch quick when she felt someone's arm wrap around her shoulder she looked up and saw Stefan she smiled at him and they all talked soon with Bonnie and Caroline too until the new lesson started.

Caroline and Britt went to gym while bonnie went to physics. They got changed then left. Britt was doing a lap when she saw a looming figure by the forest she looked properly and saw Kol mikealson holding Bonnie tightly by the neck he held up his phone quickly then her phone rang. Kols voice said into it "Hello darling, you are going to make a escuse why you need to go and meet me in the parking lot or your freinds gonna die OK." he hang up the phone.

Stefan salvatore the demon under the bedWhere stories live. Discover now