Chapter 29~Rebekahs Back

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Davina carried on chanting while britt told elijah to grab some clothes for rebekah. Then she carried on chanted eyes closed until she felt a large mass thump on the table. There lay asleep was rebekah. They clothed her. "We need to give her some blood" britt cut her wrist and held it to rebekah but no suction. "Shes still not a vampire anymore she needs vampire blood to live". Klaus gave his and then she awoke with a startled gasp. Klaus and Elijah hugged her. Then she looked at Britt she ran over and hugged her too "But rebekah i-". "I know Britt, but it was my fault I'm sorry " she said. "I'm sorry rebekah I realy am".

Britt soon left. She had many looks for tourist yeah she did look a state still scratched from the glass. Also she was weak that was the biggest spell she'd ever done. She tripped countless times and wobbled in the end she found a phone box by a abanoded car wash. She dialed stefans number it picked up "Hey stefan it's me" britt said. "Britt are you ok where are you". Stefan said paniciking. "I'm fine I'm by a old car wash on the outside of new orleans, the mikealsons and after me anymore, also can you pick me up" britt said. "I'm already coming it's dark be careful ok" stefan said. "I. Will but the phone machines about to run out I love you" she said and hung up.

Britt sat on the ground and then started to cough , she took a tissue out and coughed into it as she pulled it away she found it splattered with blood. She sighed she felt like crap.

Darkness had fallen and stefan still wasn't there yet. She leant her head again the phone box and fell asleep. Her body was tired she was tired, she needed to sleep.

Stefans headlights had turned on he had just turned the corner and then he caught sight of britt on the ground he got out and rushed over. He felt her heartbeat it was normal just asleep. He sighed and carried her to the car. He placed her next to him and  because he had no blanket put his jacket on her. He smiled she was safe again.

Britt yawned she looked sunlight was rising she turned to her side, stefan was looking at her smiling while he drove. She leant her head against his shoulder "You ok? " He asked. "Yeah I'm great" she said laughing. "What happened? " he asked. Britt explained. "Well that sounds joyful in a way just got to not mention we have ther brother daggered in are basement" stefan laughed.

And then they parked infront of the salvatore house. Stefan flew out the car and opened britts for for her "Madam" he said showing his hand. Britt smiled and took it. He put his arm around her waist and they walked into the house finding Ellie, Caroline, bonnie and damon waiting.

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