Chapter 30~Turn Britt

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Britt explained to everyone what happened. Than she yawned and told everyone she was going back to bed she walked upstairs and went to her bed and fell asleep.

Everyone soon left. Damon and Stefan were sitting in the living room when damon suddenly spoke up "Stefan, how many times now, she got turned to a witch and how many times has she nearly died, stefan i think she needs to turn back to a vampire. " Stefan stood up "Damon, she dosent want that life she hates it I don't care how many times I have to safe her, I'm not doing that again to her" he said at Damon frustratedwnd went upstairs to his bedroom. He lay on his bed staring at the ceiling and then soon fell asleep.

A couple hours later Britt woke up she came downstairs and found Damon staring at the fire. "Hey-" but it was too late all went to oblivion for Britt but she was still awake. Damon had placed his hands on her eyes and mouth and was dragging her out of the house while she squirmed. Stefan might kill him for this but he had grown fond of Brit like a little sister losing her would break stefans heart but hurt his too.

Stefans woke hearing a smash of a glass. Britt had kicked and smashed something. Stefan saw damon "Damon what are you doing " stefan asked startled. Damon didn't answer but bolted with Britt stefan closely after.

Damon held britt close to him as he ran then as he knew he would never outrun stefan.... He came to a halt and force fed Britt his blood. "Damon don't do this" stefan said. "Brother, she will die sooner or later we need to do this so she lives". "DAMON! " stefan shouted.

Damon's hands had just reached britts head he was about to snap her neck when his suddenly turned and both he and britt fell to the ground. Britt stood up and then saw Caroline, "I was walking and saw that he was about to turn you weren't you" Caroline said and Britt nodded. Stefan wrapped his arm over britt "I'm sorry that happened " he said and kissed the top of britts head.

They brought damon back to the salvatore house and chained him up in the cellar. Caroline and Britt went out while stefan waited for damon to awaken.

Britt and Caroline went for lunch at the grill. Caroline sighed "I cant believe he would do that" she said. Britt nodded. "Caroline, he was trying to turn me but why, why would he do that what would he benifit" britt said. Caroline shrugged her shoulders "The mind of Damon salvatore has never been solved, he had a pet chicken when he was 14 I had a cat" she laughed and so did Britt. They chatted for hours and then went to Carolines there they called bonnie and all agreed to a girls sleepover. Some time to chilax for a bit

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