Chapter 11~Back In The Game

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Someone's arms caught her on the hips and fastly swooped her other to a chair she felt the bag leave her shoulder and then the lights turn on. She saw then a grinning klaus a unsmiling Elijah. And a more pale then before looking Rebekah a human rebekah.

Britt crossed her arms then said "Let's talk then Bekah". Rebekah sighed then smiled "Hello to you to britt". Brittany did not smile back but said "What's all the theatrics for pitch black and stealing my freinds also making me forget you". "Britt, look this isn't for fun and games your in danger" this confused britt then she said "Is this something to do with the cure." she asked irrated. "No britt that one freind of yours is Katherine peirce she's not a human not the Elena she says she is" Elijah said. Britt looked at him and said "Shes the dobbleganger of Katherine" Klaus shook his head. "I killed Elena gilbert 2 years ago to make hybrids, we compelled her little freinds to forget all about her until they ever saw her again, and they saw Katherine remembered and they were told by her that she was Elena and she had lived about 1 year and a half ago I found out from complement. " This shocked britt "So you have Katherine ". Rebekah shook her head "No she saw us and speeded away we were taking her and found out she was there we've compelled your freinds to remember everything but we can't let them go"

"What" britt said after the three of them had told her they were going to kill them or they'd go after klaus and his freinds and family. "We just wanted to tell you in perosn" rebekah looked down at her feet. Britt got angry she stood up with fall rage looking at the three of them then she knew what to do "Phesmotas incendia" she cried and all three lit on fire. She was back in the game she searched round the place while they burned bit not fully rebekah was actualy burning. She found them all in the cellar awake and with her magic broke the chains they were a bit weak bonnie the most her nose was bleeding she must of been trying to get out alot . Both stefan and bonnie were in tears. "Look I know everything but we need to go. " They nodded. "One of you pick up bonnie we need to get out of here quick. " Damon did. And then in a second Britt felt herself lifted into stefans. They all ran out hearing now not paining shreiks but of sadness Britt new as they run she had killed her Rebekah mikealson was dead her problems were getting bigger and bigger.

They arrived back and most were silent the feeling haunted them that for the last year and a half they had all had nice relationships with not Elena but Katherine. These thoughts were far from Britts head very,very far.

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