Chapter 20~Founders Ball Plan

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Stefan walked drunk Britt to her room not paying attention to his brother. He lay her down in her bed and tucked her in he was about to leave when she spoke up and said "sorry". He turned around "This is none of your fault britt" he smiled a little. She smiled then said "Cuddle". "What" he replied quickly. "Oh only if you want to you-" she whispered. He smiled and said "sure". He scooched over next to Britt and hugged her, she hugged him back and then fell asleep in his arms and him in hers.

She woke up at the next morning feeling hungover she checked her watch it was 11am. She groaned, she leant her head over her bed upside down and saw feet appear at the door she turned the right way up and saw Ellie. "Stefan told me everything come on girls day". Britt groaned but then smiled. She got changed and freshened up. She waved goodbye to stefan as she went through the door with Ellie.

They were in at a clothes shop when Ellie said "I was looking at flyers and saw the founder day ball do you know are family name is still on it but my actual great-great-great grandaughter is in new Orleans never wanted to go". Britt looked at her confused. "Had a child before I was a vampire she died but had a kid then another and another then so on". Ellie sighed and the thought and carried on "I think we should go bring the Claire name back in, also the salvotore should be going" she winked.  Britt rolled her eyes and agreed.

Britt went into a bakery quickly and Ellie quickly called up stefan "OK shes going to the ball " she said through the phone. "Thanks, I owe you one. " he said. "No you don't you saved me well we will see you guys later" she hung up the phone.

They then went to a dress shop and tried on dresses. Ellie came out in a beautiful red one. "You look stunning" britt said clapping foolishly. Ellie laughed then said "I'll wear this one, but you should try on the blue one" britt looked at it and nodded. 5 minutes later she came out wearing a silk baby blue dress with matching shoes. One of the workers walked pass and saw her and said "My goodness you look fabulous, my dear" she smiled. Britt bought it. They left to go back to the salvotore House.

They walked through the door chatting but then when britt looked away from Ellie she stood frozen. Around the room were little balloons. Arranged and stefan stood there smiling at her. Britt looked at Ellie this they had planed she at that moment knew that Ellie and Caroline would be close freinds. Stefan spoke up and said "Brittany Olivia Claire would you like to go to the founders ball with me" he asked. Britt smiled and nodded she went and hugged him thinking it was as freinds he wanted.

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