Chapter 4~ The Cure

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Britt shivered on her walk why hadn't she brought a jacket. She was walking her arms huddle around her when someone stepped infront of her. Stefan. She shivered again at th sight of him what the hell was he doing here she looked down "Are you afraid of me" he asked curiously. She stood there shivering looking at her feet. "Why?" He asked knowing the answer. She looked up into his face in a flash she saw the image of his demonic face then it was gone she looked down again in fright "... have you ever heard of demons" she said knowing of course he had "Yeah" he said unsure of what this conversation was leading too "well for the last 100 and something years you've been mine you been my biggest fear the thing you get nightmare's about your my demon" she said. This upset stefan from the girl he was too scared to talk to she was perfect fearless he had turned her to this frightened damsel. Frightened of him.

He suddenly wrapped his arms around her it shocked her she stood frozen rooted to the spot until he let go. "I'm sorry I've caused you pain this long but I'm going to do whatever I can to fix it, I ruined you, so I'm going to find a way to bring you back" this confused Britt she looked up to see if his face could tell her anything but he was gone she was left alone again she walked alone.

Meanwhile, stefan had just gotten throught the salvotore boarding house door. He speeded towards the library not noticing his brother sipping bourbon leaning against a bookshelf. Stefan was pulling books out from before his and his brothers time. "Good evening too you too, hows Elena" he smirked. Stefan looked up and noticed his brother "Hey damon, shes good" he said nose buried in a book. "Soooooo... Why you so frantic" damon smirked once again. "I have a problem I have to fix and I think I might of found the answer... Yes damon were going on a trip".

"2 weeks no I'm coming with you" elena said. She, stefan, Damon, Caroline, bonnie and alaric were crowded round the library. "Elena look it may be dangerous who knows I'm not getting you hurt" stefan said. Elena turned her head and moped to herself this was gonna be a very boring two weeks. Damon then said"OK so we got it all planed ric your directing us, me and stefan are there too pull it off the corpse with are strength and bonnie your coming if we need any witchy voodo things" bonnie rolled her eyes. Caroline was about to say something when damon butted in "And you vampire barbie is to make sure miss Gilbert dosent do anything stupid" he smirked and she nodded this made elena pout. "Okay that's the tickets booked for tommorow-" stefan said looking up from his phone. "Alaric and bonnie be back here in 5 hours with your things packed were going to get the cure. "

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