Chapter 33~sick

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Ellie was now back in new Orleans living with kol things had turned sunny side up.

Britt had woken up that day and she felt terrible, she was gonna hide it though all people did is look after her it was as if she was a baby she came down and saw stefan making pancakes "Want one" he asked. Britt shook her head her stomach was doing flips. Damon who had been sitting on the sofa looked at her "Jesus you look as yellow as a lemon" he said. Stefan looked up and properly at britt it was true she was extremely pale and had yellow all over her face. He went over "Britt you ok" he asked concerned. She nodded she wasn't going to give in too quick then she felt sick, she ran to the bathroom and locked the door, she threw up in the toilet.

20 minutes later she was still in ther and stefan was outside "Britt you ok you need anything" he asked concerned. Britt was sweating like hell, why today it seemed like such a normal day. "Look ill be fine realy, just go back to making your breakfast I'll be fine" she said. 10 minutes later she came out of the bathroom and then went strait upstairs to her bedroom she was about to go to sleep when her phone rang it was Ellie she picked it up "Hey Britt, I know your alot better at this stuff I was with my great grandaughter davina the one you did the spell with and she just started getting sick like realy sick, I don't know how to help" Ellie said.

This shocked Britt both of them, this was no coincidence no it had to be something to do with that spell. "Ellie, she's gonna be feeling like hell she will be like an oven get some wets cloths and try to get her to get some sleep, this is serious and I mean it i need to come there now" britt said and hung up the phone. She got on her shoes and packed her grimoure it may help still looking like hell she came downstairs.

"Britt you should be resting go back to bed" stefan ordered but britt shook her head. "Stefan there's something I need to do it's more important" britt said. "And what's that? " stefan asked. "Me being sick it's not a normal bug it's happening to Davina too thw one I did the spell with for klaus we need to figure out why, now" she said. Stefan sighed "If you say so but I'm driving you there ok" she nodded. Stefan looked at her she looked so ill but she was still going he smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist walking her out of the house.

Most of the ride Britt slept as her temperature rised. They got to Ellies house were she and davina were they went inside and saw davina she looked even worse then britt.

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