Chapter 18~Sorry

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An hour or so later Caroline went home. Damon sighed "I'm going to bed, I think you should go cuddle up with your goldie locks before I do" he joked and went up to bed. Stefan sighed, he put away his glass and the bourbon and went upstairs. He sat down in a chair close to the bed and looked at Brittany, she was so perfect. Soon he fell asleep in the chair.

Brittany awoke is was dark outside, everything ached. Her eyes focused and then she was stefan realising were she was, safe then she actually realised she was in stefans bed and looked around awkwardly. What was she going to do now, she was free but what about Ellie was she alive had Kol killed her or what, her mind twisted with ideas some to horrible she winced at.

She then spotted a alarm clock it read 3am, she sighed again then locked at stefan what did he think of her she has staked him and left him there and he still saved her. Why, why was all this happening her headached realy bad. Remembering she probaly looked a state she had poison and blood on her face. She got out of the bed,wobbled but regained balance. She tiptoed over to the bathroom in stefans room eventhought it hurt.

She quietly cleaned her face and hands it was all she could do for now. She tiptoed and was about to sit back down into the bed when she realised stefan was gone. She froze in horror were was he. Her breathes shook then she felt a arm place next to hers. She turned and saw stefan, she sighed in relief. He smiled at her and she smiled back at him. It was a silent but beautiful moment for the both of them and they cherished it.

Later on, Britt had had a shower, brushed her hair and was in different clothes. She walked downstairs after tying up her hair to see stefan sitting on the couch staring into the fire and stefan drinking bourbon he saw her and winked then said "Good to have you back goldielocks". Stefan turned to see Britt again and smiled. She went and sat on the opposite sofa to him and looked into the flames dancing still doing that she said "Stefan, I'm so sorry-" she looked at him he wore a confused look and she carried on "-I'm sorry I left you there in Toronto that I staked you, I've been such a horrible freind" her face fell into her hands.

That was the first time Stefan heard her say freind but now was not the time, at that damon had wondered off to the kitchen. Stefan spoke up walking over to her and putting his arm around her shoulder "I should be the one saying sorry, I didn't let you look for your sister, I pulled you into all this by turning into a vampire I'm the one who sorry. "  Britt looked at him and said "Stefan don't say sorry if you hadn't done all this I wouldn't of met my sister, Caroline and bonnie" she smiled at him and with that stefan felt realy, realy happy.

Stefan salvatore the demon under the bedWhere stories live. Discover now