Chapter 34~Siphoning

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"Davina, hey" Britt said. Ellie turned and saw Britt shocked "Now I know why you knew so much" Ellie said worried. "OK, I'm going to see what it says about side affects on the bringing people back to life spell".

She flicked to the page and started reading her eyes drozy the only nose was Davinas consistent cough. Finally she found it and read it aloud "When bringing back to life a immortal such as a vampire not few side affects are activated only nose bleeds and coughing of blood when bringing back a human because they are not immortal it depends on how old the human being brought back to is the older the bigger the consequences is in most severe cases, death" britt read out all went silent.

"But rebekah was a original that was about 1000 years" he said quietly and Britt noded. She knew she would probaly make it through but Davina was likely not to "I'm going to die, aren't I " Davina said. Britt nodded sorowfully. "If you turned into a vampire, you would live" Ellie said but she shook her head. "I don't want to be a vampire even if I live".

Later that day her freind Marcel had came he was realy close to Davina and couldn't stand the thought of losing her. Late that night britt and stefan were sharing a spare room there, stefan was asleep. Britt creeped downstairs she saw Davina asleep and Marcel still awake sitting next to her "Marcel, there's a way I can save her" she said he turned around. "I can do a siphoning spell it will give all her illness to me, she'll be normal and healthy". "Are you willing to do that" he whispered. Britt nodded and said "I'll do it now, I don't think either stefan or Davina would agree with me doing it".

She walked over and did the spell siphoning all of the side effects went to Britt and Davina turned from a sickly pale and sweaty to normal those characteristics fell to Britt. Her eyes dropped and she swung on the chair she was on it toppled over and she fell to the ground with a crash her head was boiling. Davina had been awoken and so had Stefan and Ellie and they came down.

Stefan quickly pulled britt from Marcel who was helping her up. He looked at her. "Britt, what-what did you do" he said she had turned completely white. She smiled weakly "I let a little girl live" stefan looked at Davina she looked normal. "Britt-" he began but she shushed him and cuddled close.

Britt lay in the bed and was feeling horrible stefan had just walked in carrying a cloth and bowl of water feeling useless when Britt said "I think it's time". Stefan looked confused at her and then she said "I'd you don't turn me ill die soon " she laughed weakly. "What? Do you realy want me to do that? ". Britt nodded.

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