Chapter 9~ Cheerleading

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Brittany had feeled constant eyes search her. Yeah she did look a bit weird with a bruise around her neck one girl laughed. She covered it up with a scarf from her bag. She met Caroline in history in the morning and they talked until alaric came in.

The rest of the day was OK but at the end they went to gym. Girls were doing cheerleading and the boys football. The boys went to the pitch while the girls went elsewhere. Elena was use to being at the top in cheer but they soon found out britt was the lightest so they tried her at the top. Britt in all her time had never done cheerleading she was held right at the top by elena and bonnie why Caroline and two other girls stayed at the bottom. They held the position well but getting down was another story.

Britt was told to bend and sort of slide down but she bent and Elena not knowing she wasn't meant to let go. Well let go. Bonnie couldn't hold her fully by herself and then britt slipped onto the ground bang. The two girls next to Caroline screamed but she quickly compelled them to stop, forget what happened and go to the grill toghther and have a nice time. The girls obeyed and left. Caroline turned to the frozen bonnie and Elena. Caroline run to Britt and fed her blood. Brit would not suck. Caroline took out a syringe and engected her blood into britts body.

At that moment stefan had came he had heard the distant screams of horror for a second and went to check it out. He saw Beth's blood cothered face and bones pushed in akward positions. Caroline whispered sadly "she fell, stefan she keeps on being hurt its getting to bad" Caroline was nearly in tears now she wiped them away and said. "We need to move her, people will be coming out of school soon and they see her" stefan nodded and with a secound he swoped Britt in to his hands then said "Meet me at mine in 10" he ran her to his car put her lifeless looking body next to him unaware of his girlfriends jealous look on her face.

Stefan got out of the car and carried Britt inside "OK stefan I don't realy care how she died but could you burn them outside I don't like the smell" said the voice of damon. "She's not dead" stefan said and placed her on the couch rapping her with a blanket. "This blonde chick keeps on getting hurt, she's like the opposite off your matty freind" damon laughed but stefan glared making him stop.

Stefan sighed and looked at her sorry for turning her in the first place "Road trip" damon whispered, stefan turned and looked confused. "You two should have a road trip to smooth things over also it'll keep her out of trouble." damon smiled.

Then Caroline, Bonnie and Elena came in.

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