Chapter 2~Answers

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Walking into the school yard that next day loads of thought ran through Brittanys head all telling her to turn back. But she wouldn't, she scrunched her hands into fists and left them by her sides. She went over to the changing rooms for track. She changed in the room with Elena. "Hey are you ok your looking pale, are you still ill" she asked concerned. Brittany shook her head after pulling her blonde hair into a ponytail and walking towards the track.

She had been the 4th person there coach told her to start doing 10 laps. She jogged slowly compared to how fast she could go. The air messed with her hair as she sprinted round now on her 6th lap. She then felt someone's eyes on her back but she wouldn't turn expecting it to be some random person in her class. But then someone was running next to her she turned and saw stefan, she tripped but he caught her. "Brittany? " He said. She wouldn't meet his eye. "Stefan salvatore. " she sighed "we need to talk" she said still staring at the ground. "Yeah, yeah we do look we need to go somewhere private" in a second he had caught her elbow in his hand and he hand whisked them away.

They now stood in the nearby forest to the school. No one had seen anything. Britt let go of his elbow still looking at the ground and said "why, why did you do this to me. WHY! " she said, she finnaly looked at him her eyes had turned jet black and her veins popped below her eyes. She covered her  face with her hands she hated being the monster she feared. Stefan stood there upset of what he did then said "I did this to protect your life". She took her hands away from her face bow normal but tear stained "what? " she asked. He sighed then said "Katherine peirce... " he started she remembered Katherine she had smiled and had a few chats with her, stefan knew "... she was meant to be dead from what we thought but she wasn't she's a vampire and she had sent people to kill anyone who I ever loved and we'll Katherine compelled me to love her but after I became a vampire it disappeared and I remembered the only girl I realy loved was you" he chuckled. She stood there shocked and he carried on "I didn't know it was Katherine who had sent her vampire freinds to kill you but when I heard what was happening I couldn't get you killed, but I was too afraid to stay there and protect you I was only 2 years into vampirism and I was a ripper so I killed you so when they arrived they fought someone had gone ahead and killed you already. I got a witch to make you that " he pointed and ring."Stefan I wouldn't of been find I am Brittany Claire my family come from a long line of witches I could killed them with my fingers, if you realy actualy liked me I may of had the time before to tell you that" she spun around and walked back towards the track the lesson would be over soon.

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