Chapter 31~Family Drama

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Britt, Caroline and Bonnie where sitting on Carolines sofa watching a romantic comedy. Meanwhile, Damon had just woken up groggily.

"May I ask who snapped my neck" damon laughed. "Caroline" stefan said sternly. "Look brother I'm sorry OK, I just wanted to make sure we didn't lose her, just let me out of these chains". Stefan just left the cell angry leaving damon. He called Britt who answered "Hey, do you need me to come get you" he asked "Oh nah I'm having a sleepover at Carolines" britt said. "That's nice see you tommorow?" stefan asked. "yeah, well bye". Britt said and hung up.

They finished the movie and then  there minds skipped to graduation it was only 2 weeks away as soon as they started talking about it Caroline quickly disappeared and then appeared again with caps and gowns she squealed "I got these for everyone" they smiled at her and thanked her.

Stefan had gotten into bed and then was about to go to sleep when he felt someone's presence he sat up and saw klaus "Look I'm here for no harm to Brittany but I know you have something of mine down in your basement" he said. Stefan sighed "We had to he was going to kill britt you can take him but if he's a threat to us again we'll have to stab him again" stefan said. Klaus nodded and then left Stefans room. It had been about 15 minutes when stefan realised who else was in the basement damon he rushed down and found damon gone, of course klaus would set him free he would love to see family drama, and dammit it damon would of heard britts at Carolines. He called Caroline who answered "Care any second damon will probaly be breaking in and trying to turn Britt make sure that dosent happen I'm coming" he hunng up the phone and started running.

Caroline walked back into the room looking pale. "Are you ok? " britt asked. "Britt, damon's coming here he out he knows your here " she said. Britt got shocked. Before she could ask how. Damon flew in, Caroline pushed britt back a bit to hard, her leg hit vase it and it smashed and her leg became bloody. No one had noticed all eyes were on damon, and his stared at Caroline."Caroline, let me pass you know its the best thing imagine losing her." Damon said.

"Damon we may lose her but it's still her choice and if britt wanted to be a vampire I'm pretty sure she wouldnt of taken the cure" caroline said eyes still locked into damon's. While that Britt was bleeding out had her breathe started getting rutted. Bonnie who had been looking at Damon looked over at britt on the floor "BRITT! " she shouted and rushed over. All eyes turned to Britt and it was no longer turning britt or not they all rushed to help her. Suddenly the door swung open and stefan came in.

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