Chapter 21~Founders Ball

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The founders day Ball had arrived, Britt and Ellie had been getting ready at Carolines. Caroline and Ellie had easily become close freinds. Caroline walked out in a peach bink dress and Ellie squealed and Britt smiled. "I know" Caroline giggled and twirled. The doorbell rang and there was Tyler he and Caroline were going toghther. Ellie and Brittany waved them away then Ellie sighed. "Well I gotta get going you know may meet some boys there" she chuckled and left. Brittany stretched and sat on a chair near Carolines bed.

Then her phone rang she picked it up it was stefan "Hey I'm running late, could you be by the mystic grill in 10 damons gonna drive you". "Yeah, well see you later". She hung up and sighed. She was not good at walking in heels she put her sneakers on and walked there she would change them in the car. It was sundown by the time she was getting close then the drunkes were coming out "Oi that's the blonde chick I was talking about" she turned and saw the same man as the few days before she quickened her pace. But in a sec she was pushed close to a wall by the man "Boys ill see you tommorow " he chuckled and they chuckled back. "Well nice to see you sweetheart without your little freind" he smiled and then before Brittany could try run, scream or do anything he hit her head against the wall she was unconscious.

She woke up again, in a car. She sat up and was about to shout or scream but looked next to her and saw damon. She sighed he saw her awake. "You ok" he asked. She nodded "Well I guess you saved me" he nodded "killed the dirt bag too" . Brittany sighed and shook her head and then said "Can you not tell stefan and we can all have a normal night." Damon head bowed "Bit to late, he's waiting to bring you home outside the lockwood mansion we're we are" he said as the car came to a stop. Suddenly the car door next to brittany was flung open and stefan had pulled her out and was hugging her.

"Stefan, I'm fine realy we can just have a normal night ok" britt said. Stefan looked at her and said "You realy are ok". She nodded. Then he nodded back to answer her question. She quickly fixed up her hair and put the heels on. And the three of them walked in.

It was all so beautifuly decorated. They were greated my Carol lockwood and then went in they met up with Ellie, Caroline and Tyler who by the looks on there faces Britt knew had been told. Each time she told them she was fine and soon it sunk in. They chatted and then they danced. Britt then found herself slowdancing with stefan it was a night to rember for them but stefan the whole time had been struggling to say it his feelings.

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