Chapter 5~freinds?

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Britt was now getting a bit concerned. She had not seen bonnie or stefan in 2 weeks. Also alaric wasn't there she knew he was part of it all because of Caroline. But every question she asked Elena, Caroline, matt and Tyler would swerve away.

Caroline and Elena had told matt and Tyler that they had gone to try find the cure for vampirism for Britt. They were all meant to keep it a secret in case they failed if britt new and that happened it would crush her they did not want anything to happen to there new freind.

Meanwhile,puffed out damon,alaric, stefan and bonnie layed there things down on a table and stretched. It had been a long day they had just rowed back on a boat to a more crowded place to catch the long plane back to mystic falls. Damon poured everyone a glass of bourbon and for once bonnie took one. She had to do locator Spell after locater spell on the island to pinpoint the exact place for days.

Stefan smiled looking down at the small decomposing box in his hand which inside lay the cure. He had now the chance of redemption. He could not change the past if he could he would of had hopefully fallen in love with britt. But that was the past it was Elena for him now at least he could be freinds with her that was the best thing that could happen.

Britt had just reached her small apartment. She went down and lay on her bed and looked up at the ceiling. In secounds she felt someone there whack! "Oww" stefan said rubbing his noze he looked and saw Britt standing in the corner off the room petrified. "I should of knocked" stefan said.

Before britt could get a word out stefan said "Brittany Claire I promised you I'd bring back the real you not this monster I made you and I did just that". He put out his hand showing a box "Inside here lays the cure to vampirism me, bonnie, alaric and my brother went and got it for you I hope we could maybe be freinds".Britt stood there shocked. "You got the cure for me" she asked startled. He nodded then open the box and took britts hand she was still to shocked to be scared he took out a red tube inside it and placed it into her hand.

"Take it Brittany and be the person you were meant to be. " Brittany looked at the little vial then put it to her lips and drunk the content. She fainted. Stefan caught her before her head hit the ground. He carried her to her bed and tucked her in he sat in a chair near it waiting. He looked at her. She was so perfect her hair face every curve of her was beautiful. Then he heard it budm budm budm. A heart. Brittany was still in her unconscious state. Stefan knew it was a heart, hers she was turning back to human or witch he did not know he only knew that he may of made a freind. Maybe.

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