Chapter 14~Toronto

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A searing pain crossed Britts stomach when she lifted her head and stretched her arms then it all came flooding back in what happened. She felt her stomach but the wound was gone then she realised she must of been given vampire blood. She then noticed she was in a car then looked to her right and saw stefan who laughed a little and said "Morning sleepyhead".

A bit awkwardly Britt laughed and said "I thought your brother was the one who joked the most". Stefan smiled then his smile faded and said "So you ok" he looked and worried she nodded and said she was fine then said confused "Where we going now? ".

Stefan sighed then said "Toronto Katherine got you so quickly and easily with 2 originals after you I want at least 15 hours between you and them". Britt shook her head then said "Stefan I don't think there's that much of a point they still come after me over and over again for what I've done I think the easiest thing for me to do is let them get me it'll satisfy them they won't go after you, bonnie, damonnor Caroline it's better that way" the whole time she said that she couldn't look stefan in the eye.

Suddenly the car cluncked next to a sidewalk and stefan took Brittanys chin and faced her towards him "Britt what don't you get I'm not letting you go ok" he said it so kindly and sincerely. A tear trickled down her face down her face she had never been treated so kindly she nodded and smiled he smiled back kindly and carried on driving in silence.

They arrived in Toronto and to be more 'Undercover' stefan compelled a nice couple to have a nice 2 week holiday and invite him to stay at there house. The house meant projection no vampire could enter without being invited in they were safe.

Britt took a nice room and then got out here grimour she had since 1860 when she was 14 she was just about to start looking at some spells when her phone buzzed she took it out her pocket and answered it was caroline "Hey britt how is everything " she asked. "It all fine sort of we got the Katherine problem done with were just gonna have to find a way to deal with the originals " she said. "Well thats good sort of well Bonnie was reading up on the originals and they can be killed but only by the white oak stake and the only one known is to be in possession with klaus mikealson of course" when Britt found this out she rolled her eyes "Of course it". They talked a little bit more and then said goodbye. Britt hung up the phone and sat on the bed and opened the grimoure she hadn't done that since she was a witch in 1866 then suddenly something fell out. It was a piece of paper. Britt picked it up and sighed it was written in ancient runes her mother had taught her a bit but died before she could finish teaching her. Who had wrote this and what was it a spell she was going to find out.

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