Chapter 23~Trouble And Pain

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Stefan was only now 15 minutes away from where they had been staying. He was freaking out. What had he done.

Ellie was looking franticly around for Britt when she saw a speck on the cliff she knew it was britt. She called stefan up to tell him where she was as she ran, but was she gonna be fast enough.

Britt breathed sharply. The air was wiping around her as she stood on the  cliff. She leaned over the edge and saw the realy ruff waves slap the rocks. She closed her eyes and......

Stefan had spotted the cliff but it was to late he saw a speck falling. He got out his car and jumped into the close by sea and started swimming hoping. Hoping.

Ellie had got to the cliff edge but Britt had gone. She kneeled down and started crying. Begging for her to be alive, she had only just found her sister she couldn't lose her.

As britt had fallen she had looked and saw someone jump into the water from a red car. She smiled, stefan. Her eyes closed and she felt her body hit hard towards the water. But it was a bit late the hard waves pushed and hit her against the cliff side. Her head ached. Oxygen she could feel was leaving her as she drifted lower and lower until she hit the sandy bottom of the sea.

Stefan was looking everyone for Britt then saw her lifeless body laying there. He grabbed her and brought her to the surface. He couldn't feel her breathe, he quickly brought her to nearby land and did chest compressions.

Britts eyes opened and her eyes focused she saw stefan. Her bones screamed for her not to but she did she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. She would never let him go not again.

Ellie was soon notified that Britt was alive and she was so relived. She had lived. Britt was alive. She smiled through tears.

Stefan carried britt while she still had her arms wrapped his neck she was in alot of pain but she wouldn't let him go. No. "I can tell doing that hurting you, relax I'm never going to leave you again ok" stefan whispered to britt. She let go as stefan carried her to the beach house. He cuddled her close. She smiled and then fell asleep in his arms.

Britt woke up again cothered in a blanket in stefans car she looked at him confused "Were going home britt, Ellie in her car". He said noticing her awake and confused face. She smiled then cuddled close to him as he drived. "I'm sorry Britt I thought I was keeping you safe i" stefan began but britt butted in "-trouble and pain tends to follow me since a young age, I just got to stick with it" she said. Stefan smiled at her then said "Well I guess I'm gonna have to learn to live with that to".

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