Chapter 19~little Suprises

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A couple days later Britt moved into a room at the salvatore house. She was feeling fully better. She had just unfinished putting a couple things into her wardrobe when stefan leaned against the door she turned and saw him and smiled "It's nice to see you. I haven't seen you all day" she laughed. "Well that was because I was getting her" he stepped aside and in walked in Ellie she smiled at Britt.

They went over and hugged each other while doing this Britt looked over at stefan and mouthed thank you. He nodded and dissappear through the door.

Ellie explained Kol was watching her 24/7 and that she couldn't come and get Britt but then stefan helped her escape. They talked the whole rest of the day about there lifes and other things to get to know each other. Ellie was given Britts apartment as a place to stay and was thrilled. She said goodnight to Britt and left.

Brittany walked downstairs to find Damon drinking yet another glass of bourbon she chuckled and said "Hey, Where's your brother at". He shrugged and said "Probaly in his room. " britt went but found know stefan. She told damon she was going to check for him at the mystic grill and he shrugged again.

Brittany was walking in the cold towards the mystic grill. Meanwhile at the salvatore house stefan had just walked down stairs head soaked "Where you been? " Damon asked. "Had a shower, where's britt? " Damon sighed and chuckled "She went in your room and couldn't find you so she went to mystic grill to look". Stefan quickly took his phone out is pocket and called Britt with no answer "I'm going to go get her" he said and left.

Brittany had gotten to the grill seen no stefan and stopped for a drink, then another, and another, and another she was getting more drunk by the second her ears did not here the buzzing of her phone. She had been through so much crap she thought but today things were lighten up might as well award herself. She drank a few more and stood up she swayed she was too drunk to walk in a straight line. A man stood up with a leather jacket and ripped jeans "Aye wanna me to drive you home" he said showing his black teeth and winking.

Brittany was about to say no but he grabbed her arm and started bringing her out the grill. She struggled to get out, but his grip was to firm. He pushed her into the back of his car but he did not get into the front. He got into the back and smiled over her unbuttoning her shirt, she tried to open the doors but they were locked she screamed and in a flash the windows broke she was wrapped into know other than stefans arm she was protected.

The guy stood up and throw a punch at stefan who caught the man's fist in his hand craned it down then kicked him to the floor. Stefan looked at him disgusted and walked with Brittany a protected arm firm around her waist.

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