Chapter 13~Katherines Attack

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Stefans arm wrapped itself around her shivering body and pulled her closer. This warmed to her and still drozy from it being 3am she fell asleep snuggled next to him.

4 hours later stefan woke to find his arm around her. Damn it he must of done it in his sleep. Did she know or not he didn't know what to do so he just lay there his face inches from his head he smiled it felt nice. But then bang the door was thrown open startling Stefan and waking Britt. They sat up and saw a angry Katherine who had been looking through the blinds. A knife was held tightly in her hand "Hello there Brittany" she said sweetly but a angry tone.

Stefan ran at her but Katherine being nearly 400 years older then him was stronger she snapped his neck and he fell to the floor. Britt sat there motionless and stared into katherines livid eyes. Katherine was absolutely raged because of Britt knowing the originals she could no longer pretend to be Elena and be with stefan she threw the knife at Britt it hitting her something she took a massive deep breath with pain and quickly with all her strength and energy said "Phesmatos incencdia" and Katherine stared to burn she shrieked and plead for Britt to stop it but Britt was not paying any attention to Katherines last words she was staring down at the knife impaled into her stomach she pulled it out that was a bad idea.

The pain seared more now and she was losing alot of blood she got the thin white cover scrunched it into a ball and put pressure to the wound her head swayed she looked at not the the Ash, blood, flesh and bone remains of Katherine as the sheet became more red. Her head swayed again and her head made contact with the pillow.

Stefan woke up on the floor to a putrid smell he looked to the left and saw a the pile of Katherines remains. He stood up neck aching. He looked around the room  and then looked at the bed and saw britt there with her hands scrunched around a red sheet. He pulled it away and saw a lightly bleeding wound now he felf britts heart it was beating no fighting she was dying. He bit his arm and put it to her lips he felt her lips suck on her arm he sighed and smiled she was gonna be ok.

He took his arm away and looked at the remains realising they were katherines. He knew he couldn't leave the room in this state so he cleaned everything up gave the key into the receptionist and carried britt to the car and began to drive he was unsure where but all he knew if Katherine did this much damage what would two livid originals do. He sighed then looked at britt her head was laying on his shoulder he smiled.

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