Chapter 17~ Saving Brittany

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Brittany woke up and found herself unchained she knew why she wouldn't of been able to move. Klaus had broken her leg by the hip and smashed the head into the back of the wall. How was she still alive? She asked herself. A pool of blood lay to her head. She lay motionless on the floor, staring into the corner of the wall, hoping.

Meanwhile: "OK, they just left I'm going in" said Caroline over the phone wearing sunglasses. She walked into the big house then said "All clear come in tell damon to lookout I'm checking upstairs you downstairs" she hung up the phone.

Stefan slipped through the doors and just say Caroline slip through a door upstairs. He checked in some close by rooms. Then he knew he must check in the cellar he and the others had been locked in. He was so close, so close to seeing her again, so close to feeling her smile beam upon him. He walked down the stairs then was entered into a large metal room. In it lay Britt.

She raised her head a centimeter in agony to see who was there and at the sight of stefan she smiled. He rushed over and wrapped his arms around her cold body. He lifted her up and she winced but still smiled. He ran her upstairs and called to Caroline that he'd got her. Just before Caroline left she saw britts bag on a table and grabbed it.

Caroline pulled out of britts bag stefans car keys. Stefan took his car while Caroline and Damon went in damon's. Stefan placed britt in the back seat. Layed her down and gave her a blanket and pillow he had. She slept. Stefan payed more attention to Britt in the back of the car then the rode. He was so happy to have her back but, worried so so worried for her he knew what he had to do he knew he had to keep her safe.

They arrived back at the salvatore house, britt was asleep this was stefans chance now he had stopped driving to give her his blood. She took it and then he brought her upstairs to his room. He layed her in her bed and tucked her cold body in and without thinking kissed her forehead. He then looked away awkwardly then went down stairs to Caroline and damon.

They were drinking bourbon when he came damon offered him a glass and he took. He drank it down in a second. Then they started talking well mostly Damon and Caroline, stefan would occasionally nodd or reply with a yes or no. All he was doing was listening, listening out to here of any sign of movement upstairs. He was gonna be there for her when she woke. He sighed to himself, how could he of changed the Enthusiastic, happy girl and bring her into the life that she suffered from so much pain and misery, what britt had said so long before was true he was a demon.

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