Chapter 16~Ellie Claire

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Britt parked the car it was early, like she liked all the night walkers that roamed new orleans would of left to shelter from the sun. She quickly avoid anyone's eye and found the door she breathed in and knocked. A minute later the door opened and she was tugged in and the door was shut. The lights flicked on "What the hell" said the person who brought her in. It was a girl probaly 16 looked exactly like britt but a little bit younger, shorter but with brown hair. "Hey Ellie" britt smiled through tears.

3 hours later britt had explained to Ellie everything. Ellie looked there then said "Kol, he told me he saved my life I was in starvation my family was dead". Britt shook her head "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, huh well your a vampire? " Ellie nodded then waited she listened then heard Britts heart "But your not how are you alive". "I was a vampire but a freind of mine got me the cure he was the one who turned me" she sighed thinking about stefan.

"I need to confront Kol, come with me he's at his brothers something about going to do a spell to find andkill someone for killing there sister" Ellie said. Britt froze "There doing a locater spell when? " Elle looked at her then said "about 3 minitues why". Britt nearly had a panic attack. She did a blocking spell so no one could see her location it must of worked right? Then she explained to Ellie they were after her she had in a way accidently killed there sister.

Ellie looked at her shocked then nodded she knew she'd done bad things in her past. Then the door broke down, the spell didn't work there stood. Klaus, Elijah and kol. "KOL, YOU BACKSTABBING PRAT" shouted Ellie. He knew why he knew they were twins and sighed. "Kol, I mean no harm to you freind deal with her". Kol nodded and quietly whispered to Ellie whick turned into him blocking her why she cried and screamed as Elijah and Klaus dragged Britt out the house.

Britt was chained up in the cellar of the house. They thought no better punishment death would be to nice soon she would be begging they thought. They first few days they just left her there then they started giving her water for her to survive but semi-poisoned so her throught would burn alot then she couthh up a black substance. As the days grew longer for Britt things got scarier. Buy the end of the week she had a broken wrisk, her head was bleeding, black liquid was wiped down her mouth and she was cothered in cuts and bruises.

She would never satisfy them holding back the tears and muffling her screams. She would never give them the satisfaction of her begging for her to end it all, everything, the pain, the guilt eventhought she so longed to do so, so much.

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