Chapter 3~Demon

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The rest of the day Brittany ignored any attempt of stefan trying to talk or come near her to make it clear he still scared her to death and now to know he turned her for no reason realy, it burned her with both anger and fear. She soon noticed that stefan was Elenas boyfriend she must know everything and that was why she kept glancing at britt. Then Brittany thought about Katherine. Wait katherine, elena. Holy... ! she hadnt realised it till now they looked the same. She quickly saw a basically empty hallway and whisked elena away from stefan in secounds and into a empty classroom. Elena hit the back of the wall while Brittany held her throught "Katherine " she snarled her veins popping. "Brittany no she's not Katherine they just look the same because she Katherines dobbleganger" she spun and saw stefans worried face. Her face went back to normal it wasn't very common for there faces to go up like this with anger but here's did. She let go of elena "My mother told me the story it had went the story went through generation of are family its real" she said now only looking at elena who nodded. "I'm sorry elena" she said "I guess st-efan told you about everything ". Elena nodded again. Brittany quickly left.

Outside now school had ended. "Hey" she turned and saw Carolines smiling face. "Hey" she sighed. "Enough one of us I guess then" Caroline said. Britt looked at her confused. "I'm a vampire too turned by Katherine " she said. Then name made britts face turn again "wooh" Caroline said. The realisation hit Britt she apologies and turned back normal. "Wait one of us what do you mean? " Britt asked. "Oh yeah well me, stefan, stefans brother are vampires elenas a dobbleganger, Tyler's a werewolf, Bonnie's a witch and Mr Saltzman and matt are in on it to". This impressed Britt. Her and Caroline went to Carolines house wear they chatted. "-your realy that scared of stefan" Britt nodded. "Yeah I kinda have the same with Katherine but not as bad as yours I think you just need to get to know him more" Brittany laughed. "Caroline how can I he made me this monster I could off saved myself I was a witch I loved it now i lost that part of me, stefan he's my demon he's that thing you expect when your little to find under your bed to me ". Caroline looked worried and hugged her "It'll be OK, but also a witch that sounds cool what's your blood line ". Britt smiled "I come from a lone line of Claire witches I'm not so sure what happened to the rest of are bloodline my dad ran off with my twin sister when I was young so it was always me and my mom". Caroline was sorry that happened to her they talked a bit more and then Britt left now she was alone in the dark cold night of mystic falls.

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