"Who's the girl laughing with Sirius?"
"Electra Star... She was a friend of ours, one of the Marauders actually."
"What happened to her?"
"She died. But on her hand there was the death mark. Don't talk to Sirius about it. He is convinced that she wa...
It was a raining morning of August when an owl tapped the girl's window waking her up from her sleep. Electra after murmuring some words she slowly opened her eyes and looked towards the window where an owl was standing probably hoping she would let her in. Since she wasn't cruel hearted with owls like her parents she stormed towards the window and let the poor owl in, taking the letter on her hands.
"You are going to stay here. And please please, pretty please, if you love your feathers, do not come out. I'll be back in a minute."
The girl shut the door behind her trying not to make any noise and ran towards Perseus's room which was across the hallway. Without knocking she stormed into but her brother didn't seem to bother as he continued peacefully his sleep. She walked next to his bed and shook him trying to wake him up. "Pers! Wake up!" She said but seeing that he wasn't waking she decided to take the whole situation seriously and she pulled the sheets uncovering him.
"What on earth are you doing El?" He asked half surprised half annoyed from his little sister but always quietly knowing that something had happened that they couldn't tell their parents. Strict family you see...
"I just got my letter!" The girl said super excited making her brother look at her in disbelief.
"I never doubted you getting your letter and I'm really happy for you but know just let me get back to sleep." He said and pulled the covers up to his head just for El to remove them again. "What? I want to sleep!" He said pretending that he was in the verge of crying.
"There's an owl in my bedroom."
"I would surely prefer you saying that there was a boy but I'll see what I can do about that."
"Oh shut up Pers I'm only 11!" The girl said laughing and both of them exited his bedroom the one to go to the girl's room the other one to walk downstairs share the news with rest of the family.
The news were accepted with joy despite Orpheus who was sad due to the fact that he was going to spend two years alone.
August 29th, 1971
The Diagone Alley was filled with people. Wizards with long capes and witches with high hats were walking up and down the road. The shops were filled with costumers who mostly were children with their parents or guardians. The smell of freshly wet ground which was floating in the air because of the earlier rain was giving everyone a sense of school days.
Electra was running from the one shop to another bumping all the time into people she knew. Unfortunately for her the people she knew didn't have children on her age with who she could be friends and classmates with but she was greeting everyone she could remember being introduced to.
Cassandra accompanied by her two sons was trying to keep up with her daughter's excitement and energy but since many years had passed since her school days she could not relate that much and share Electra's enthusiasm. She spotted her daughter about to enter her favourite place on the Diagone Alley, Ollivander's.
Electra entered the shop with a huge smile plastered on her face.
"I knew that it was about time for you to come." The old man behind the bench said and smiled kindly at the young girl.
She was always amazed by how the wands work but what was impressing her the most was they way they were alive. She thought that they weren't things. They could speak and they could choose and they have feelings. And that's why they choose who they want to be their beholder. The only person who seemed to share her love about these weird livings or not things was Ollivander.
"So miss Star was I correct in my calculations? Are you here this time looking for your first wand?" She nodded overflowing with excitement. "Well then we can wait for your mother to come or we can start right now. As you can see I don't have anything else to do."
"What are we waiting then? Let's start!" The girl said and stormed into the corridor made from two giant shelves filled with wands. She felt that she knew which type of wand would choose her.
"Holly I see... Yes.. Excellent choice." The old man said sceptically following the little witch "and as for the interior?" He asked trying to see if she was close enough to find what would choose her.
"I was thinking of string of dragon's heart. My father and my mother have the same!" The girl said leaving Ollivander sceptical.
"Let me get them for you then." And with these words he disappeared behind the giant shelves and El made her way back to the main part of the shop and sat on a chair.
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The door opened and a red haired girl entered. She should be around her age but since she felt really shy when she was in public with new people she decided not to talk to her. The old man made his appearance after a while holding three packets. His gaze fell onto the red haired girl who murmured an inaudible "Hello" and after he examined her and greeted her as well he handed over the packets to El.
The first wand she tried really wasn't the one. As soon as she touched it and shook her hand flames appeared from its pick. The second was a little bit better but still not the one. The third one was the match. The moment her fingers wrapped around it a light appeared and covered the young witch. She smiled proudly at the old man. "Was I right?"
The answer wasn't going to be very pleasing for the girl. "Correct wood but wrong interior. Only the first one was made with a string from dragon's heart. This one here is from unicorn's hair core. Electra, don't try to be someone you're not. Don't try to hide who you are. Remember that." She looked at him in disbelief. She really thought that she was going to have the same characteristics as the rest of her family. Apparently not. She could not understand why was she different.
After she paid she thanked him and promised him to come back later if she had any time. The last thing she heard was Ollivander whispering "10¼"... Willow...swishy!"
Cassandra was waiting for her outside the robe shop. As soon as she arrived they stepped inside along with Perseus and Orpheus who were so bored that they had started making fun of each lady entering the shop seeming desperate with her children.
"Holly, string of dragon's heart" she lied to her mother.