Back At The Burrow

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"God! REMUS LUPIN IF YOU DONT GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE OR IM LEAVING WITHOUT YOU!" Noelle yells up the stairs of her and her godfathers small cabin on the outskirts of Hogsmeade. Noelle had been waiting for this day for the last 3 weeks when she first heard her and her godfather would be staying with the Weasleys their last month of summer before their 4th year back at Hogwarts. It was Ron's second year and after last years events we all agreed we should have some time to spend with each other. It was Ginny's first year and as they were all excited she was more nervous.

Remus, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were all going out to the Bahamas to spend their last month of summer while they left their kids at the burrow to enjoy their last bit before school started up again.

Ever since she was 2 she had lived with her godfather when her father was sent to Azkaban. An innocent man no matter. she'd heard stories of him and what he was like but has never remembered a single one. She was to young to remember anything about him.

"WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE YOUNG LADY!" Remus' voice echoed against the walls as he slowly made his way down the steep steps, 2 bags in his hands. He placed the bags beside mine and placed his arm around my shoulder.

"Ready darling?" He asks looking down at the 5'3, black haired witch beside him. She looks up at him with a sparkle in her eyes. She nodded, grabbing her black enchanted bookbag off the ground and throwing it over her shoulder as Remus removed his arm.

Noelle stepped into the fireplace, her bookbag on her back and her broom in her left hand. With her remaining hand she grabbed the powder her godfather had placed in a bowl and extended his arm for her to take.

She takes a deep breath before shouting into the fireplace, being engulfed with green flames as she disappears landing outside the home of her favorite ginger haired family.

"I'm homeee!" She says in a sing-song tone as she walks through the door. Dropping her belongings as she is bombarded with hugs. Remus walks in right behind her, being greeted with a kiss on the cheek from Mrs. Weasley and a firm handshake from Mr. Weasley.

"I reckoned you'd be a no show." Fred declared picking her up and spinning her in a circle before setting her down. With butterflies in her stomach she looked down at her shoes, trying to conceal the redness in her cheeks.

"You know I'd never miss a chance to hang out with my two favorite gingers." She stated looking up between Fred and George. Behind them stood a distraught Ron and Ginny. As Ron cleared his throat and crossed his arms the twins moved out of her view so as she was staring right at the younger Weasleys.

"Uhm-I-I mean-" She looked up at Fred trying to find the words as he looks down at her trying to hide his laugh. She looks back to the 2 in front of her. "I'm not getting out of this am I?" Noelle asks, a small, apologetic, smile creeping slowly on her face. They shake their head as everyone throws their head back in laughter.

Noelle hugs George as he comes up behind her, throwing him a quick smile before pulling away and engulfing the 2 younger Weasleys in a group hug.

"Where's Harry?" She asks looking around the small home, seeing no trace of the black haired boy.

"Going to get him tomorrow night, cooked up a brilliant plan I reckon!" George states as he throws his arm around her shoulder.

With all the welcoming being done with, Fred comes behind her and picks up her bag and broom.

"Damn El, what the hells in here?" He complains throwing the bag over his shoulder. She laughs and turns to look at him. "Only a months worth of clothes, my long board, my shower stuff, my makeup, Uhm what else-" She's slowly cut off with the sound of heavy footsteps walking away from her, she throws back her head in laughter and follows Fred up to his and Georges combined room.

"I-I'm staying in here?" She asks walking slowly through the door as if shed never been there before.

"Well George and I thought you would feel more comfortable in here with us then with Ginny in her small ass room." He states setting Noelle's things beside the bed farthest from the door.

"Oh- yeah probably a good idea." she claims sitting on the bed and making herself comfortable.

"Getting comfy now are we?" Fred looks at her throwing her a small wink before opening her bag and unpacking her things.

"I thought I would let you and George do all the heavy lifting." She voices, laying her head back on the pillow she presumes to be Fred's by the strong smell of his cologne lingering from the night before. She closes her eyes and laughs as George throws a pillow at her.

"Uh-Uh no way, now get off lover boys bed and come help us!" She puts her head down and blushes at Georges words, before standing up and making her way to the bag, grabbing out her long board and setting it against the wall, underneath the window.

After the long day of unpacking and heavy lifting she lays down in Fred's bed and slowly drifting off the sleep.

"Look at that! You've finally got yourself a girlfriend." Gorge teases as Fred stares down at the unconscious girl on his bed, covering her with a blanket.

"Would you shut it!" Fred whispers to his brother sitting down on the floor, his head resting on the bed.

Noelle woke up no more then an hour later to see Fred asleep sitting up, his head against the bed. A smile slowly crosses her face as she nudges his shoulder.

"Hey..Hey Freddie.. Freddie wake up.." His eyes slowly open as he looks around the room confused before looking up at the small girl sitting up on his bed.

"I'm sorry, I hadn't realized i'd fallen asleep. You can have your bed...I'll make a bed on the floor-"

"No no no.. I'll make a bed.. You don't have to sleep on the cold floor." He stands up and starts to the closet when Noelle grabs his hand and pulls him back.

"Well neither should you!" She sighs moving over and patting the bed beside her. With a confused look on his face he slowly sits beside the black haired witch. Eventually the two teenagers drift off to sleep. Being awoken by the cold Noelle's shivers echo around the room, waking up the sleeping boy beside her. Without thinking her pulls her down and wraps her in a tight hug instantly making her feel warm and safe. She nudges her head into his chest and falls asleep.

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