The spell.

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Sneaking around the castle that morning was harder then the group had thought. If Noelle had been caught with the group she would have been in deep shit.

Ron and Hermione and Harry had taken the west wing, guarding the entrance for anyone to get to Dumbledores office.

"Piss off Malfoy, take another route." Harry said as Malfoy and his goons tried to get through them.

"No Potter I have somewhere to be." He snarled back pushing past them.

Lee and George has the south wing, the other entrance.

"Weasley. Weasleys Boyfriend." Josh sneered as he walked up to the two boys.

"Piss off Maddox this ways unavailable right now, Dumbledore has company." George replied, crossing his arms and leaning on the wall to the side of him.

"Have either of you seen Noelle? Word has it she's wandering the castle." He smirked, looking back behind the boys.

"No, we haven't." Lee said, shooing the boy off.

Really? Cause it seems to me that Black and the other Weasley are together..right behind you." His eyes narrowed behind him making the two boys turn around in panic to see an empty hallway.

"You guys seem worried? Everything alright?" Josh smiled, pushing past them and running down the hallway.

"Bloody hell..what now?" George asked, turning to Lee who had the same panicked expression on his face.

Noelle Fred and Emily walked together to the office, saying the code making the spiral staircase appear. They looked around at their surroundings before ascending the stairs.

Three knocks before the door opened and Dumbledore welcomed them into the room.

"Bailey, black, Weasley, what is is I with.." he asked as he sat back down in his chair beside his red bird.

"We issue...professor.." Fred stated as he wrapped his arm around the black haired witch.

"An issue?"

"A big issue, having to do with one of the newbies." Fred replied as Noelles eyes started to water just at the thought of him.

"Joshua Maddox I presume." Dumbledore eyed them before nodding and standing up.

"Yes..I've noticed...I don't have get rid of him though. My apologies."

"But professor you don't understand! He's threatening to use a memory charm." Fred said back, louder in tone.

"One of which he probably doesn't even know how." Dumbledore sighed, sitting down again.

"He does. He's used one." Noelle replied, taking her head off Fred's chest.

"Oh who, may I ask."

"Cedric Diggory. About 6 years ago.."


"He was jealous..of mine and Cedric friendship, so he got rid of it all together. He's threatened to do the same to Fred if we don't bre-"

"Their lying!" Josh yelled as he panted, throwing open the doors.

"Mr. Maddox." Dumbledore stated as he gestured from him to join them. Noelle backed up more towards Fred as he got closer.

"Their lying. I've never done that. I don't even know how." He smiled falsely toward the headmaster.


"Please you have to believe us!" Noelle shouted, letting go of Fred and storming at the headmaster. Tears in her eyes and rage in her voice.

"You know who his mother is! He's likely to do something like this!" She continued. "He's her fucking other half and is just like her! Get him out! Get him out!" She yelled, turning around and pointing at Josh who's face was now contorted to a worried look.


"Don't fucking call her that!" Emily shouted, pushing Josh back into the wall.

"Emily! Hands off the boy." Dumbledore stated looking over to Noelle who was breathing heavy and staring between her best friend and boyfriend.

"Hey..come here darling.." Fred opened his arms to welcome Noelle when she started to walk over to him.

"Don't touch her! Don't fucking touch her! I warned you Noelle!" Josh screamed, pushing Emily off of him and to the floor, drawing his wand on the red head.

"Mr. Maddox! Wand down!" Dumbledore shouted but it was no use and spells were shot, going all around the room. wasn't Fred who the spell had hit. It was the girl with Black hair, leaning up against her boyfriend.

"What the hell did you do!" Fred shouted as the spell hit her and she fell to the ground.

He made a run for it. Josh was gone. They all surrounded Noelle on the floor, advised not to move her until she woke.
2 hours had passed and Emily and Fred sat together on the floor near their unconscious Noelle. The rest of the group had joined them and were surrounding the room. Their sobs echoed the room waiting her wakening.

"Mm." She shuffled in her sleep before her eyes shot open and she sat up letting out a blood curdling scream before shutting up and panting. Sweating from her forehead. Fred threw his arms around the girl as she looked around at the group confused.

"Fred?" She asked eyeing the boy. He pulled her in, touching her lips lightly with his before she pulled away and hugged her best friend who was crying hysterically.

"So..the spell?" George asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Um...what spell?" Noelle replied.

"Josh's didn't work?" He asked again, sitting beside the girl on the floor.

"Josh?" She looked around confused.

Everyone looked around at each other but didn't say anything else, instead..sat alone in silence for a long time.

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