Goblet of Fire

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Detention was long and suffering. The two of them sat in their respected seats, across the class from one another. And wrote lines. "I will not sneak up to the astronomy tower"

Once released they, once again, snuck up to the astronomy tower.

"Fred we're gonna get caught!" Noelle laughed all the way up the stairs, being dragged by Fred.

"No we won't now shut it." He laughed back,  sitting at the railing and pulling her into his lap. They sat like that for a long time staring up at the stars when it was around 3 am and Noelle had fallen asleep.

Fred carried her to the common room and,  not being allowed into the girls dorm without an awake Noelle,  he fell asleep with her on the common room couch. Only to be awaken early that morning by their friends.

"Wake up love birds,  their announcing the names at breakfast!" George shouted running down the stairs at the two on the couch.

"George quiet down would you!" Noelle clapped back, burrowing her face In her lovers chest. His arm was tightly wrapped around her and as he tried to sleep his head was on top of hers.

"Nope nope nope! Get up!" George shouted, pulling them apart and off the couch.

"Git." Noelle murmured, walking out of the common room hand in hand with Fred behind all their friends.

"Hey Noelle." A voice said from behind them. They all turned around and Noelle just re-buried her face in Fred chest as he hugged her tightly.

"Piss off Maddox." Fred insisted, holding Noelle tighter as he got closer.

"Shove off Weasley, I'd like a word with dear Noelle here." He faked a smile and looked around at the group who had very not amused looks on their faces.

"Okay well...Noelle, could we talk for a moment?" He sighed and looked down at the girl in Fred's arms.

"No." She stated, moving her head up to look at him. He lunged for her arm but Fred swatted him away.

"Don't you ever fucking touch her!" He yelled in his face, not letting go of his girl friend.

"What did we talk about Noelle. What the fuck did I say!" He shouted at the girl which made he flinch.

"Fuck off!" She yelled back. Getting loose of Fred's grasp and making a run down the corridor. Emily, without hesitation ran after her. Then Harry, Ron, then even Hermione. While Fred was pinned against the wall by Josh.

"You stay the hell away from her." He had his wand at the red heads neck and was talking through gritted teeth.

Fred pushed him off and to the ground now towering over him.

"You, Need to piss off before I go to professor Snape. And believe me when I tell you he is very, very, fond of MY beloved Noelle...so, you ever lay a finger on her again and I'll knock your teeth out." George had to pull Fred off of him to make sure he didn't get into to much trouble before the two ran after the rest of the group. Leaving Josh on the floor, brushing off the dust as he stood up.
"So I was thinking-"



"You don't think. And when you do you get yourself killed. So no."

"She's right Harry."

They had just sat down at breakfast when they were already arguing about nothing important like usual.

"Okay guys look he's announcing the names!" Hermione stated, pointing over to Dumbledore.

"From Durmstrang....Victor Krum!"

Claps and cheers erupted in the room.

"From beaubatons... Fleur Delacour!"

Claps and cheers.

"From Hogwarts...Cedric Diggory!"

The room was loud as the victors stood up and went to the front until the flames shot out another name, a fourth name.

"Harry Potter...."


"Harry Potter?"


"Harry Potter!" He shouted even louder. Everyone turned to face us, whispers and stares were brought towards us as we all sat, astonished.

"Harry go." Hermione pushed him up from his seat and he walked to the front. Dumbledore gave him his paper and he left the room with the other victors.

His Troublemaker(Fred Weasley fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now