Broken Glass

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Walking out of the common room earlier the next morning was a treat for Noelle and Emily. They were greeted with the loud sounds of fighting and arguing from down the stairs.

Understanding that the voice belonged to her Fred Weasley, she sighed and ran down them faster. Reaching the start of broken glass and cry's of another she stopped and looked up at Fred who's face where a seering red and his voice filled with anger.

Trying her best to step over all the glass and not get cut failed tremendously when she didn't make it more then 3 steps without a piece of glass getting lodged in her foot.

She ignored it and reached Fred, pulling him back and hugging him tightly which seemed to calm him down when he wrapped his arms around her. She looked up at the boy and down at the person who she had heard crying. It was Angelina.

I don't know who she thought would be there, Fred wasn't one for drama except this recent one. Everything lately seemed to consist of Angelina being in the middle. And Noelle, not being in the mood for another fight, took Fred's arm and lead him to his dorm. Shooing away any other Gryffindor that decided to stay and watch.

When they made it to the dorm she let go of his arm and he started pacing with his hand to his head and his other on his hip,  walking back and fourth for what felt like forever until Noelle spoke up.

"Fred stop!" She yelled, causing the boy to turn to her. He had tears in his eyes, begging to be spilled. He ran over to her and hugged her tighter then he would usual. He had his head on top of hers and for a while he just hugged her, his eyes closed, his breath softening. Until he noticed the trail of blood behind them. 

"Noelle are you alright?" He pulled away, looking down at her foot.

"Oh, yeah I stepped on a piece of glass, nothing to worry about love, let's just get it out." She replied sitting down on the bed while he kneeled in front of her with her bloody foot in his hand.

"What happened down there?" She asked,  the question made Fred's eyes water just at that. He got the glass out and walked to the bathroom getting aid supplies.

He fixed her foot and objected to her cleaning the blood and saying he'd do it later. Together they walked down to the great hall for breakfast to see their friends waiting for them. As for the rest of the house was staring.

They sat down beside there friends, but Noelle couldn't bring herself to eat, a pit in her stomach formed from worrying about what happened with Fred and Angelina, and why he got so mad about it.

To think about it,  she'd never seen Fred so angry. She's never even seen him raise his voice. The thought of it making the pit worsen as she stood up and ran out of the great hall with no explanation.

She ran to the nearest bathroom and opened a stall, throwing up all of what she had managed to eat. She wiped her mouth and sighed, sitting on the floor against the stall wall. Anyone could walk in and see this moment, as her door wasn't closed. But Noelle wasn't worried about that. Atleast she wasn't until the door swung open.

"Oh my god Noelle are you alright?!" Emily asked barging in and kneeling in front of her.

"Yeah I'm okay."

"Fred insisted on coming but I had to remind him that he is, in fact, not a girl. So he's waiting outside." She laughed, trying to brighten the mood.

"Thanks Em." El replied, standing up with the help of the wall and walking out of the stall. She walked over to the sink and got a wet paper towel, running it across her mouth and turning off the water.

Before she could leave the bathroom,  Fred barged through the door and threw his arms around her.

"Fred, Fred I'm okay, just felt a little sick." Noelle got out, although she doesn't know how it sounded for she was being suffocated by her boy friends arms.

"Emily can we have a moment?" He asked nodding towards the door. She nodded back and gave Noelle a small smile before leaving the bathroom.  Not hearing her foot steps descend,  she must have stayed right outside.

"She kissed me Noelle, that's why I was yelling and that's what the broken glass was. I threw the vase of roses that were on the fire place at the wall. I didn't hit her, she was scared. I don't want you to be scared of me,  please don't be scared of me."

"Did you kiss her back?"

"What!? No of course I didn't!"

"Okay, it's okay." She sighed, bringing the boy back in for a hug. He rubbed circles on her back and they stayed for that for a while until another barged into the bathroom, Emily chasing after her.

"Oh, hello Black." The girl smiled before ascending into a stall. The two turned to look at Emily who was shaking her head.

"I tried to stop her. She insisting. Those damn Slytherins.

Pansy walked back out of the stall and washed her hands before standing against the wall and staring at them.

"Ya know black, with you attitude and harsh personality, we could be friends." She smiled.

"Maybe in another time Parkinson. I'm a gryffindor."

"Shame, you'd make a good Slytherin."

"Yeah?" Noelle asked sarcastically, not enjoying the conversation.

"Yeah, I mean everyone in your family beside your murderous father is a Slytherin."

"He isn't a murderer."

"I think those 12 people he killed would beg to differ." She laughed out.

"And I think your boy friend wants me, but that's off topic...continue." Noelle smiled,  making Fred behind her laugh, trying to mute it into her hair.

"What the hell did you just say to me?"

"Oh...hunny, I think you need to recheck yourself. And while your at it,  get a new boy friend. Maybe one that's a little more loyal? First me,  then greengrass? Do you even know? Yeah I seen them making out in the corridors the other night. Yikes,  seems like they have some explaining to do." Noelle sighed and grabbed Fred's hand,  leading him out of the bathroom leaving Pansy in tears.

"Hey have you seen Pansy?" Draco asks as we're half way down the hall. Fred couldn't help but laugh causing Draco to sneer at him.

"Yeah, I've seen her." Noelle tried to say without laughing and walked away. Her two favorite people by her sides.

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