The game

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It had been nearly a week since they had left for their vacation leaving the children alone at home. Fred George and Noelle playing pranks on the younger children. Noelle teaching Fred how to ride the long board which seemed to be harder then she thought when she started.

"No fred! That isn't how- STOP!" The girl falls to the gravel ground in laughter after Fred rode over into the grass and fell face first off the board.

"I swear Weasley your gonna be the death of me" she sneered rolling her eyes and helping the boy up off the floor. They stopped for a moment and looked at each other as if in awe.

Fred cleared his throat after a second and let go of her hand after she pulled him up.

"So you uh-you wanna try again?" Noelle asked grabbing the board and bringing it back to the road. He got on top of the board and held her hands, placing one foot in front of the other, "that's it just like-" as if on que he fell right on top of her as the board slid from underneath him.

Not being able to contain the laughter they laid side by side in the gravel looking up at the cloudy sky. She started pointing out the clouds and saying what she thought their shape looked like to her while Fred gazed at her, adoring her smile, her laugh, she always brought joy to him even in the darkest of times.

"And that one there looks li- you okay Freddie?" She asks turning to look at the boy staring at her in awe.

"Oh- have a piece of fuz in your I'll get it." With that he grabbed at the piece of fake fuz he used ad an excuse and pretended to flick it away as she laughed at him and put her head on his shoulder.

"GUYS COME INSIDE WERE GONNA PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!" Harry yells out the open window as the pair get up together and waltz into the room.

"Ginny fell asleep so we figured we'd bring out the fun." George added once the 2 sat down together on the love seat.

"Okay then, Ron truth or dare!" Harry asked pointing at his best friend.


"Do you like Hermione?"

"I-wha-w-no! No, I don't." He stuttered his entire sentence as the rest of the group laughed.

"El truth or dare!" Ron sneered her for laughing so hard at the situation.

"I'll take dare."

"I dare kiss George!" The room went silent and Noelle looked at George who was looking at Ron who was looking at Noelle.

She stood up from her stance and stepped up to George, with jaws dropped and Fred only just being able to contain himself from fighting Ron she bent down in front of him and pulled the front of his shirt making him come closer.

"You wish." She sassed and went back to sit next to Fred, putting her legs on top of his, the entire group looking at her. The red headed boy in front of them blushing ferociously and the one behind her staring at her as if she'd just stripped in front of him or something. He couldn't keep his eyes off her for the rest of the game.

Later that night while everyone was asleep Noelle slowly and quietly made her way downstairs to get a glass of water. With her wand clutched in her right hand she whispered "lumos" and with that a bright white light illuminated the entire room.

She sat on the couch with her water in hand when from behind her a tall figure appeared creaking down the stairs.

"Oh hey Peaches!" Fred jumped over the couch beside her and threw his arm around her.

"Hey Freddie, what're you doin up?"

"Could ask you the same thing."

"I needed some water, felt quite exhilarated after tonight's game." She laughed causing Fred to look at her and smile.

The eye contact they made, made Noelle silence her laughter and just stare at the boy in front of her as he reached and pushed a piece of hair behind her ear. Her stomach was filled with butterflies and she couldn't seem to breath quite right, her breathing getting jagged and caught in her throat. He leaned in, his hand on her cheek when, "Fred? El? Bloody hell its 2 am what're you doing!"

The 2 jolted apart looking behind them to see a sleepy Ron standing at the staircase. "Oh- Ron um hi.." Noelle stuttered looking back at the boy on the couch and then behind her at the one on the stairs.

"Your loud! Shut it!" And with that he stormed upstairs.

The two laughed and felt an awkward presence creep between them as the girl fiddled with her hands in her lap and the boy looked off into the distance.

"Well I'm gonna go to bed...see you in there?" Fred asked standing up off the couch and sneaking into his quiet room.

"Yeah..." she had managed to get out but only long after he had gone. Her stomach was in knots and her heart was pumping out of her chest. She swore the heat radiating off her body could was so strong she could melt something with just a touch. Her mind busy with thoughts she tried so hard to push away.

She finally got the courage to get up and walk upstairs after 10 minutes of having to calm herself. She stalked up the stairs into the twins' bedroom and ignoring the loud snores coming from George's bed. She laid beside her red headed boy and covered herself with the blanket. Like it was almost instinct he wrapped his arms around her pulling her closer. She fell asleep to the beat of his heart and the rhythm of his breathing. She didn't think she could ever feel more safe then she did in his arms at that moment.

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