Different Boy

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They sat outside of Dumbledores office for what felt like eternity waiting for Harry to exit the room. First came out Fleur, then Victor, then Cedric.

"Hey are you guys waiting for Harry?" He asked, walking up to the group.

"Yeah is he still in there?" Hermione asked with worry in her voice.

"Yeah he should be out soon." He replied,
walking away sending Noelle a quick smile before leaving the corridor.

"Do you like, know him?" Fred asked, looking into the distance at where he left.

"We were close when we were younger, nothing to worry about though." Noelle smiled up at Fred reassuringly.

"Okay well I'm leaving." Ron stated, walking from the group.

"Why? Your best friend is in there!" Hermione shouted at him which made him stop walking and turn to face them.

"My best friend who couldn't even tell me he put his name In The goblet!"

"You really think he did that?" Hermione asked clapping back at him.

"Bloody hell Mione who else would have?" And he walked away without another word.

Harry walked out no more then 30 seconds later whilst the group was still staring off into where he walked away.


"Harry!" Noelle broke into tears and ran to hug her god brother before they were engulfed in a group hug.

"Where's Ron?" He asked after everyone pulled away. They all looked between each other before Hermione sighed and started.

"He-he thinks you put your name in the goblet so he's sort of mad.."

"Brilliant." Harry muttered, walking away with his head down, the group following closely behind.

They went up to the gryffindor common room and planned on skipping classes that day. The detention they were gonna get must have been better then the questioning they would have gotten about Harry anyways.

"I didn't put my name in..you lot know that right?" Harry asked, breaking the silence of the group who had been sat in the common room doing their own activities but together. Hermione was reading. George and Emily were seated together whispering things to eachother and making the other laugh. Fred and Noelle were playing wizards chess and Lee was reading over hermione's shoulder.

"Oh, of course Harry. You wouldn't be so reckless." Noelle replied, sitting up from her seat at the chess board and going over to Emily. Whispering something In her ear making her laugh.

"What?" Noelle asked Fred who gave her an inquisitive look when she sat back down.

"You guys are always telling secrets, care to share?" He replied with a smug smirk on his face.

"No." Noelle and Emily said in unison.
The next day in potions Noelle and Fred were sat in the back of the class, taking notes of the potion Snape was teaching. Fred's hand never left her thigh and Josh's eyes never left the couple.

"Mr Maddox, care to explain?"

His head shot over to the professor and Noelle couldn't help but let a chuckle escape her lips.

"Uhm...Alihosty Draught...it causes...Uhm..."

"Sever laughter." Noelle continued, while Fred leaned back in his chair with a proud smile on his face.

"Thank you Miss Black...and mr Maddox, detention after school for not paying attention."
"-did you see his face when you started talking. It was great. That was brilliant." Fred couldn't stop talking about the events in the classroom that evening, even when they were on their way to charms class.

"I get it Fred!" Noelle laughed, taking his hand and pulling him into the classroom.

The class was particularly boring like usual. Professor Flitwick talking about this and that and nothing important.

"So...since we finally have a night without detention I was thinking-"

"Miss Black, something you'd like to share?" Flitwick interrupted her and she turned her head to face him with a fake smile on Her face.

"No sir."

"Then detention, after class."

"You were saying?" Fred laughed at her, laying his head in his arms on the desk trying to keep in his emotions. She kicked him under the table, laughing herself.

"Shut it."
"I'll wait out here for you." Fred smiled and placed a kiss on her forehead before sitting on the floor outside of the library doors.

"Okay, love you." She replied as she walking into the library. She took a look around before her eyes fell on an empty table.

Flitwick assigned her a 5 paragraph essay due tomorrow by the begining of class for her detention and she intended on finishing it quickly.

"You seem to love giving us alone time." Josh smiled as he sat beside her. His presence brough chills to her body and she instantly stood up.

"You wish Maddox. Now piss off, I have an essay I have to write."

"I thought I made it very clear to you, I don't want you hanging around with that Weasley."

"He's my boyfriend, I can hang around with him whenever I'd like."

"See...that's the issue."

He grabbed her hand and brought her closer, placing in on his chest. His grip was to strong and she couldn't pull away, bringing tears to her eyes as he stared into them.

"Leave him. Leave him or I swear to god I'll do to him exactly what I did to the Diggory boy when we were children. You don't want that do you?"

"Let me go."

"DO YOU?" He raised his voice at her which made her flinch and shake her head no.

"You'll be with me from now on and if I catch so much as his scent on you, I won't hesitate." He let go of her wrist and walked away leaving her in tears. She grabbed her belongings and raced out of the library crying. As soon as she threw the doors open to make a run for it, arms were tightly wrapped around her.

"Hey hey what's wrong..." Fred questioned, throwing his book on the floor and engulfing her in a hug which she pulled away from entirely to quick.

"I-I can't..."she stuttered, tears escaping her eyes.

"What? You can't what?"

"Be- be with you. I can't. I'm sorry Fred." She cried even louder, now tears forming in the red heads eyes before shooting to the door which had a black haired wizard standing the the frame.

"Come on darling, we don't want to miss dinner do we?" Josh asked, grabbing her hand and pulling her away from Fred. He was now crying even harder and when he went to lunge at him Noelle turned around with an apologetic look and just shook her head, before ascending the hall way with a different boy hand in hand.

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