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It's brutal. It happens to the sweetest and most undeserving people. the worst of times.

3 hours later. That's how long it took for Fred to open the Portrait door and walk into the common room. George being the first to notice, stood up and walked up to his brother. Patted him on the shoulder and whispered something in his ear before walking back to the couch. Harry being next in line, didnt do much but send him a death stare and a "piss off" type of look. Next was Lee, who looked up at the boy and shook his head before continuing his conversation with Katie. Then Hermione, who slammed her book shut and made her way over to him, slapping him, and sitting back down leaving him with a red mark and stumbling back. Then Ron who looked up at him and furrowed his brows as if looking for an answer, to why he did it, this made Fred's head fall. That was until the last person gave their response. "Was she good?" Noelle asks. Standing in front of him now. "W-what?" He asks slightly walking back. "You hadn't gotten what you wanted from me so you went to some other bitch, right?" "N-no no that isn't what happened.." he stuttered before reaching his hand for hers which she jerked away.

"Don't touch me." She stated strongly before walking behind him and out the door angrily, which made everyone of her friends follow behind her, including Fred.

"Where is she Fred?" She asks still walking ahead of the group and not turning to look at him when she speaks.

"I don't fucking know Noelle!" He stops, the sound of his voice making everyone else stop to, including Noelle.

She turned around slowly looking at the boy in front of the rest of the group. She jabbed at him with her finger- "don't you ever fucking raise your voice at me." She states before turning back around and walking again.

It only took a short 5 minutes to have a crowd on their arses. Draco Malfoy, Luna lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Deam Thomas, Semus Finnigan, Katie Bell, Pansy Parkinson, Cedric Diggory, groups and groups of people. That was until everyone who had been paying attention, spotted Angelina, sitting against a wall in an empty corridor, reading a book. They all stopped but Noelle continued walking up to the girl.

Angelina, finally noticing her, shut the book and stood up. She made her first move, shoving El back away from her. This action made El snicker and stick her tongue to the side of her cheek. She slowly nodded her head before looking up at the girl and slamming her fist into her face.

Angelina fell to the floor with laughs and ooos from the group behind them. "Couldn't help yourself could you?" She asks, spitting out blood. "You always need to be the center of fucking attention." She spat as she stood up and punched Noelle in the stomach. She stumbled back but not for long when she ran at the girl and made her fall to the ground.

Noelle was on top of her, beating her for minutes until George came and pulled her up, Katie taking Angelina to the infirmary.

The crowd had mostly disbanded, couple people sticking around. Draco, Cedric, Luna, and Ginny, and her friend group of course.

"Are-are you okay?" Fred stutters walking up to her before Draco stepped in front of him and stopped him. "I reckon you get your arse back before I crucio your it." Fred stepped back and sighed, hanging his head low. Draco left as did Luna and Ginny, leaving only Cedric and her friends.

"Are you alright?" Cedric asked walking pass her friends and up to her making Fred scuff under his breath. She wrapped her arms around the boy and backed up after a minute. She nodded her head before looking at the rest of her friends. "I am not sorry for what I just did." She stated. "I am not sorry for the fact that you cheated on me Fred. I am not sorry for the thoughts of also beating your arse like I just did your little girl friends. I am, however, sorry for the fact you thought you needed to cheat on me." She stopped herself and looked down before back up at Fred. "Actually- I take that back- I'm not sorry that you felt that way, I am everything she is and probably better, so I hope you enjoyed yourself with her. She will never be me. She will never pull pranks with you like I did. She will never teach you how to skate like I did. She will never go on a date with you and ride to the top of a Farris wheel and have her first kiss with I did. She won't be me. She will never fucking be me Fred and I hope you understand, and realize that." She looks at him waiting for him to say something before she scoffs and storms around to leave. "I know." He says, making the girl turn. "I know she will never be you. She will never have your soft black hair that smells like honey. She will never make me mesmerized at the sight of her just walking. She will never have a scent of vanilla that I could tell out of a crowd apart from anyone's. She will never have a voice that makes me shutter because it's so sweet. She will never be you. She won't ever read to me, like you do. She won't ever teach me how to skate like you did. She won't ever look like the girl I fell in love with." He stops his sentence and looks down at his feet before back up at the girl in front of him. "She-" "if you loved wouldn't have done this." Noelle cried out. "If you loved wouldn't have cheated on me." "If I didn't love you, I wouldn't have just told you now would I?" He cries back, tears coming out of both of their eyes now. "I wasted so much time on you. To much of my life. For you to cheat on me? What- what good does that do? What did she do for you that I didn't?" She questions looking at the boy and then her friends behind him and then to the two boys behind her, and back at Fred. "I was never with her Noelle..." he sighed and looked at her with pleading eyes. There was a long pause, a silent exchange. "Bull fucking shit." She states and turns around to leave. "You never loved me. Just tell me. If you did, you wouldn't be giving up on us so easily." He yells at her when she stops in her tracks. "There is no us Fred. You did me wrong. That's on you. You made us- non-existent. Poof! Like we never happened." She said back without turning around and continuing to walk. "So that's it? We aren't even gonna talk about this!?" He questions back at her making her furious and turning around storming up to the boy before stopping in front of him. "We talked. This-" she gestures around her. "This was talking. You said you loved me. You said you didn't do it. You said a lot of shit-" she paused, taking a breath. "A lot of shit I don't believe."

And walked away, leaving Fred in tears and everyone else astonished.

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