The Ride

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After the shuffle with Draco in the small shop the teens decided it best to meet with the rest of the group to finish up shopping, finding them fawning over the new fire bolt broom.

"Look at this!" Ron yelled waving them over. Fred and Noelle looked at each other as he grabbed her hand and walked between her and George. They stopped in front of the window to look at the polished broom.

"It's bloody brilliant." Harry muttered, his face against the glass. "We should get going it's getting late." Fred said pulling at the backs of the boys shirts, letting go of El's hand.

The boys turned to look at Fred who, until this moment, didn't notice the blood on his white shirt.

"What happened with you!?" Ginny screeched, running to her brothers side.

"Calm down Gin it isn't mine." He winked at the black haired witch to his right and turned around making his way back to the fireplace they came out of. With Ron, Harry, and Noelle walking behind him George and Ginny She explained the fight with Malfoy and his snide comments.

"I wouldn't done the same thing." Harry nodded. "If it were my girl friend that is, if it were you..." he snickered, Noelle smacked his shoulder laughing, throwing her arm around the boy.

"He isn't...I'm not his girl friend." She laughed, a hint of sadness in her voice.

"PFT AS IF! You guys don't leave each others side!" Ron butted in right before we made our way in the fireplace to the burrow. "Shut it!" I snickered, disappearing in the green flame.

To my surprise the adults were home when we arrived. I ran to Remus, engulfing him in a big hug, not wanting to let go. I made my way to Molly, and shook Arthur's hand as he held it out to me. "Mr. Weasley." I nodded, shaking his hand and walking back to the couch where Fred resided.

"How was your guys' shopping day? Get everything you needed?" Molly asked sitting beside Ton who was on the loveseat, eventually everyone making their way and finding a seat in the living room.

"Yeah I believe so." Ron replied.

"FRED AND NOELLE ARE DATING!" George shouted from the other side of Noelle as Fred's hand swiftly left her thigh.

"No we aren't you git!" Fred yelled back throwing a pillow at his brother. All eyes now on the two teens on the couch as Noelles cheeks flushed red. It was silent for a moment, an awkward silent, but yet calming.

"We're all sure if it.." Ron said, flinching and throwing his hands in front of his face as Fred grabbed a pillow. Noelle had taken the pillow from his hand, nodding at Ron he was safe and they laughed.

"It was one date..we aren't dating.." Noelle said softly looking at the boy beside her whose arm made his way behind her shoulder, wrapping her tightly towards him.

"Mhm" Remus muttered, glaring at Fred with a deathly stare which everyone noticed terrified Fred.

"We have to pack." Noelle stated standing up,  trying to diffuse the obvious tension in the room.

"Uh..yeah." Ron and Fred replied at the same time, in unison, as Harry, Ginny, and George just nodded and were already half way up the stairs.

Just before she was out of ear shot the girl heard "do you believe them?" Molly asked looking at the 2 adults in front of her. "Not a bit." Remus replied, sticking his nose in a book.


The train was packed with voices and heat that could melt anything it touched. I made my way to the back of the train and found an empty compartment to reside in. Fred and George followed swiftly behind, almost instantly losing sight of Ron, Harry, and Hermione who they'd met with on the platform. Losing Ginny in the crowd of people as she left with her new friend Luna Lovegood who she'd met just minutes before.

"This better be a good year. Nothing to crazy, no chambers of death, no-"

"Secrets." George cut in.

"Hm?" She questioned looking at the boy.

"It's chamber of secrets not chamber of death." He replied.

"Whatever. What I'm saying is I don't want any incidents with death! No more professors trying to kill our friend, no more chamber of SeCreTs" she mocked George looking him in the eye before back out the window. "I just want a nice..Peacefu-" just as she was about to finish her sentence the window stared to freeze up and the lights shut off.

"That's odd..." Fred muttered as he looked out the sliding door to face the other inquisitive students. He slid back down in his seat and sighed.

"I didn't see any-" with that a black cloaked figure stopped in front of their compartment before slowly floating away.

"What. The. Hell. Was. That?" Noelle questioned holding onto Fred's arm in a tight panic. But soon enough the lights turned on and at the door was a rushed Remus Lupin.

"Are you alright?" He asked looking at the girl.

"Yeah..what was that?"

"That would be a dementor...their looking for Sirius.." he sighed looking at the girl as she brought her head low. "If you'll excuse me I'm going to go have a word with the driver." And with that he left the compartment disappearing down the hallway.

"I'm sure he's fine. I mean if the dementors are looking for him still that must mean he hasn't gotten sent back right?" George nodded at Noelle who's head still hung low at her godfathers words.

"Right." She sighed, laying her head on Fred's lap, awaiting their destination so she could get off this small, packed train.

"So much for a good year." She muttered, drifting off to sleep.

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