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"STOP!" She shouted, her head rising from the pillow, a hand from the red head beside her resting around her waist.

"Another nightmare?" He asked as the couple sat up. She nodded her head, moving over and swinging her legs off the edge of the bed.

"She's awake I can hear her." The Weasley beside her whined, also sitting up and making his way to the door. He took one last look to the girl in his bed before smiling towards her. "its a bit sad, but you hair always looks good when it goes blue." He left the room, leaving her slightly smiling to herself.

She sighed, taking a drink of the water on the bedside table and picking up the picture frame.

"I miss you El.." Emily sighed, looking back towards the door as George and a little girl with orange hair walked through the door.

"Noelle missed you." He smiled, throwing the little girl on the bed beside her mom.

"Hey is everything alright?" A voice sounded from the door, she looked up to see an identical red head in the door way.

"Sorry Fred. Just a nightmare again. I promise we'll be out soon." She sighed, her daughter now asleep in her lap.

"Is peaches sleeping?" He asked, looking at the little girl on the bed.


"Hey Peaches!" Fred laughed as the black haired witch made her way down the burrow stairs.

"Hello Freddie!" She replied, making herself comfortable beside him on the couch.

"We have any plans today?" He asked before reaching over and taking her face in his hands, kissing her intensely.

"Not that I know of." She smiled back, leaning into the kiss once more.


"Yeah." Emily said as she handed her to George to put back to sleep. He left the room leaving Fred and Emily together.

She sighed, putting the picture frame back on the nigh table.

"I remember when you 3 took that picture."

"Yeah we had to retake it like 5 times cause you kept getting in the way." She laughs slightly, but her frown coming back.

"Its been 3 years....can you believe that?" He sighed, putting his head in his hands.

"Yeah I know...I remember that night like it happened yesterday."

"I should have been there...You guys shouldn't have gone.." His voice raised slightly before he settled down, knowing he's had this fight with her long before.


"NOOOO!!" Hermione and Emily shouted together as the man disappeared and they were left alone with their friend, limp, in their arms.

"Noelle...Noelle wake up.." Emily cried, her hair glitching from blue to Red as if it had been seizing.

"Noelle please!" Hermione pleaded beside her.

"The- the time thingy! Your time thingy use it! right now Hermione use it!" Emily cried, letting go of Noelle and reaching for Hermione's arm.

Hermione stayed quiet, looking down at her friend who was gone, in her arms.


"I don't have it. I- I haven't had it for a while I don't know where it is." She rested her head on her friends chest, sobbing.

"no...no...no.no.no.no." Emily chanted, standing up and pacing the room.

"We- we have to take her back.." Hermione cried, standing up and hugging Emily, putting their differences aside.

"T-there's a- a floo network in the living room I seen it.."

They quietly picked up their friend, picking up the box in the corner with their wands as well before stepping out of the room.

"Hey- Noelle?" Bellatrix stood up, walking to the girls and looking at the dead one in their arms.

"W-where is Josh?" She stuttered, tears coming from her eyes.

"He left. He killed her and left. We have to get back home. We have to fix this." Emily sobbed out, leading Hermione who had Noelle, over to the fire place.

"There's no fixing this...She's gone...I wish you guys the best." She sighed, sitting back in her seat.

They flooed back to Hogwarts, ending up in the Gryffindor common room, both of them falling to the ground instantly with the girl in their arms. Everyone near quickly took notice, but some more then others.

"Emily...Hermione? N-Noelle?" George asked as he, Fred, Harry, Ron, and Lee stood up to make their way over to them.

"He- He- she's gone!" Emily sobbed into Georges chest.

"Noelle..?" Fred asked, tears flowing from his eyes as he crouched beside her limp body, shaking her hoping for some movement.

"no....no.no.no.no.no." He couldn't process it. His mind was racing. He stood up, pacing around the common room as everyone went quiet, the only sound being the groups silent sobs.

"SOMEBODY GO FUCKING GET THE GOD DAMN HEAD MASTER!" Fred shouted, his arms flying towards one of the people who were just stood, staring at the scene in front of them. A 3rd year girl runs out the door, coming back 3 minutes later with not only Dumbledore but Snape and Mcgonagall.

"What happened?!?!" They asked as they reached the girl.

"We...She got a letter, from Josh. She wanted to go, we went together. She's gone." Emily cried.

The rest of that night was a blur.....for all of them.


"EMILY! EMILY COME HERE! EMILY!" A voice shouted from the twins  joke shop below their loft.

They all ran out to the shop leaving the baby alone upstairs, it was Hermione. Harry and Ron, their tears streaming down their face and they all ran up to meet each other.

"Hermi- Harry, Ron? What's going on?

" I found it! After all this time I found it! It- It was in a pocket of my 3rd year robe that was in the back-"

"Hermione stop rambling! What did you find?"

"My time turner."

This is it! This is the end of the book! I know its sorta sad but i just wanted to finish it. I have issues going on right now outside this book and someone special to me who i put in the book is no longer in my life so I didn't want something so big like this book reminding me of that every time I go to upload it. I couldn't think of another way to end the book abruptly so I thought this was good. I left the end and Hermione finding the time turner just for if, in the future me and her work things out, I'm always able to do a second book and continue from there but at the same time it was a good ending.

Thank you so much for the support on the book, almost 500 reads? that's incredible and I never thought I would end up here. Its sad to see it end but it was a story that I wrote with her and it didn't feel right continuing without her seeing as she's helped me since the very beginning. If it hadn't been for her I wouldn't have been able to upload it in the first place, not being able to have the courage. So thank you, Emily, for the wonderful help on this book you've already unfollowed so I don't believe you'll be seeing this but I wouldn't be here without you.

Anyways, If I decide later in the future that I'm okay with the fact of her being in the book and continuing it, I will but in the meantime I don't feel as though I'm in the right spot to continue it but I didn't want to just leave you hanging without a proper ending, so see you next time if i decide ill be continuing it, if not, thank you for the support of this book!

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