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After potions she went to her dorm and paced. Just paced. She thought of what she could do, if there was anything she could do. As the night brought darkness and wind her skin brought chills and goosebumps.

"Girl you need to stop pacing. My feet hurt just staring at you." Emily says, her eyes never leaving the book in front of her. Noelle looks towards the girl on her respected bed and walks over pushing her off. The girl falls to the floor in a fit of laughter.

"Okay okay!" She repeats getting up and getting in her own bed while Noelle continued pacing.

"Should I be worried?" She asked which made Noelle stop in her tracks and stare at the girl once again.

"Yes. You probably should." She sighed leaving the room and slamming the door behind her. She walked into the common room and was greeted with Harry Ron Hermione and George.

"Hey!" Harry shouts over to the girl on the stairs who was staring at them. She walked over and sat beside him as he threw his arm around her shoulder.

"Are you alright? You look a little agitated. Should I be worried?" He asked,  whispering in her ear. She stood up and stormed off to the door.

"God I wish everyone would stop asking me that!" She shouted back before leaving the common room and descending to the dimly lit hallways.

Walking in the corridors after dark and after curfew was always one of her favorite things to do. It was quiet and gave her space to think. She couldn't ever think with Emily around, she was loud. And the common room was even louder. So the corridors after dark was her final resort.

She had walked for what felt like hours till she found the stairs that ascended up. She climbed and climbed till she hit the top of the Astronomy tower.

She stopped at the door when she seen a person sitting at the railing staring at the night sky.

"Oh..sorry I'll come back.." she whispered,  opening the door back up.

"Noelle?" The figure asked, standing up and walking over to her. Slowly showing the face of Fred Weasley.

"Oh..hey." She smiled and he took her hand and led her to the railing.

"Have you been up here all night?" She questioned, looking up at the stars from her seat.


"I'm just worried about tomorrow I guess. They're picking the names, the people for the tournament." He smiled weakly at her. "I just don't want anyone to get hurt ya know.." he sighed and leaned his head on her shoulder.

"Yeah I know.." she replied, resting her head on his.

They sat in a comfortable silence for a long while until the two of them had fallen asleep against each other. The whole 'not being allowed to the astronomy tower without a professor or staff member' thing is really dumb if you think about it.

So when they were caught it was no surprise they would be spending that night in detention.

"At least we'll be together" Fred laughed as they descended the stairs behind professor Mcgonagall who had caught them up there.

"Ya know professor, we just wanted to watch the stars, we shouldn't get detention over that right?" Noelle outed as the teacher stood in front of them at the door of the great hall.

"Shoo, before I make it 2 weeks." She huffed, and pushed the kids into the big doors.

They sat in their usual seats and filled their plates before instantly being bombarded with questions.

"Guys chill we were just watching the stars!" Noelle commanded back, answering all unanswered questions.

"Fred- why go for my best mates sister? Like really, all of my friends?" Ron complained from across from them. Noelle laughed which made Fred smile.

"Because of that. Her laugh. It's hard not to fall in love with." He put his arm around her waist snd pulled her closer making her cheeks grow crimson red.

"And you George- my best mates sisters best friend? What the bloody hell!" Ron complained looking over at his other brother who just laughed.

"What's next? Your best mates sisters cousins study partner is off limits? Grow up would you. And look at her? She was practically drooling when we met." Emily shoved him and her hair turned pink. "No I was not you git!" She huffed. He looked over at Ron once again. "Her hair was pink, she was totally drooling." The whole conversation had everyone laughing before Ron continued once again.

"What's next? Harry you gonna go for my sister?" All the Weasleys turned to look at Harry with stern faces while his was a bright red.

"Answer right-" started Fred.

"We don't beat you to a pulp." Finished George.

Noelle Emily and Hermione laughed loudly,  causing the rest of them to unfocus their attention from Harry to them.

"You're scaring him! Leave the poor boy alone!"Hermione laughed, finishing her plate and pushing it in front of her.

"He should be scared." Fred stated before the rest of the group started laughing.

Besides Harry of course.

His Troublemaker(Fred Weasley fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now