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A few weeks had passed since the first days events and Noelle was sitting silently working on potions work. "Noelle! Would you like to demonstrate what we are learning about today?" She shot her head up and faced the teacher, sighing before speaking up. "Amortentia, professor.." "yes..and what exactly is it?" "It's's a potion that you smell? I think..." "Okay but what do you smell?" Shes starting to sound a bit annoyed at Noelles lack of knowledge. "Uhm...who you desire? Or something like that." "Yes...Come up here would you."

The girl sighed before moving her bag to the side and getting up from the stool, slowly making her way to the front of the class eyeing Harry on the way. He nodded at her and she soon made it to the front of the class.

"What do you smell?" He asked her as she reached the cauldron.

"I- I smell-" she meant over it taking in the distinct smells. "Fireworks...and gun powder...andd...sand?" She replied, standing straight and going back to her desk. "Thank you ms. Black for demonstrating, that'll be all, class dismissed!"

She stood up from her table and made her way to Harry who was laughing with his 2 friends.

"Oh hey Noelle!" He cheered as she showed up beside him.


"Going to go find Fred? I feel he'd be quite inquisitive about what you smelled" Ron smirked. Hermione let out a slight chuckle before looking at the girl. "Are you gonna tell him?"

"Uhh...yeah..maybe" she replied, turning around and walking out of the class.

She met up with Fred after their classes had ended and walked to the common room. They sat side by side on the couch talking about their days.

"So what about you? Anything..interesting happen?" He asked looking at the girl beside him.

"Oh..yeah I guess you could say that." She replied looking back at him.

"Tell me about it."

"Okay..well-" she was soon cut off by the booming laughter entering the common room.

"Oh hey Fred! Noelle!" George said as he walked and sat beside them.

"Hey George!" Noelle hugged the boy and sat back against Fred.

"What're you two talking about?" He asked looking at us. "El was just about to tell us the interesting thing that happened today." Fred replied looking down at her. She sighed and sat up. Before she had time to process the words Ron came in shouting "did you tell him yet!?" "SHUT THE HELL UP RON!" She shouted back. "Oh..bloody hell, sorry thought you woulda done it by now."

"Tell me what?" Fred asked looking back from Ron to the girl. At this point spitting it out would be better then keeping it in so that's what she did, instantly regretting it. "I smelled you in my amortentia!" Her hands slammed to her head as Fred sat completely still, eyeing her up and down while the rest of the common room was completely silent.

He grabbed the girls face by her cheeks which were a burning red color and before she could process he smashed his lips onto hers. Her arms snaked around his neck, biting her bottom lip. George slowly got up from the couch, feeling slightly uncomfortable in the situation. He waved everyone away that was staring and they all rushed around and acted like nothing happened.

Eventually pulling away, Fred looked at Noelle in her blue eyes, mesmerized by the sight.

"Noelle, I-I should have done this along time ago...months ago, when we went on that date, that one perfect date.. but would you my girl friend?" Before she answered she thought it only pay back to mess with him like the day she asked him out. "Mhmm I don't think that's something I'd enjoy." She snickered and Fred laughed pulling her into a tight hug. "Of course I will Freddie." She replied, sinking herself into his chest.

I was thinking this for Noelle? Idk it's not really what I pictured but I thought with the black hair and green/blue eyes.. yk


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